31 5 5

(*Don't start song yet!)

"Could you even consider the level of stupidity based on your insensitive decisions Demetrius!? You didn't return any of my phone calls! You left without permission with the car that your father and I got for you and had to audacity to take Lilith with you! You were so vulnerable out there in public! In the open! And right after we specifically told you to not take her anywhere!" Scolded Mrs Griffin at Demetri in a heated whisper. She was most likely trying not to gain Mr Griffins attention as he would be a bombshell. Even mad, she was an absolute lifesaver.

"Your father and I did not get you that car just so you can drive it recklessly and sneak out! Do you forget the target we all wear on our backs?!"

She beat at his chest, fists positioned to the side like a girl but gave up shortly after when he hadn't moved even but an inch.

I felt so guilty as I stood watching her angry motherly touch take over.
Also, jealous. I wish I'd had that when I got home an hour too long. I was almost devastated for all the wrong reasons.

Demetri looked slightly like a dog standing next to a chewed shoe guiltily, his arms open in surprised but sympathetic surrender as her closed fists keep hitting his hard chest.

"And you!" She snapped turning to me.
My heart jumped a beat as I stood up straighter.

I hated that I had disappointed her, to my core. I hoped to heavens that she didn't hate me now, I don't think I could handle that.

One second I was staring warily into her honey dew eyes, the next I was enclosed in a fierce embrace between her arms. The sudden rush of her small frame colliding with mine mingled her home-like scent in the air.

Demetri's mouth was widely agape as I caught eyes with him over her shoulder.
I was quite sure my own mirrored his.
"I was so worried! How can you do that to me? Huh? The both of you! You were gone for hours without a call or a text. I- I didn't know what to do," she breathed out exhausted. "Everyone had gone out but Patrima but she wouldn't come out of her room!"

I couldn't believe my ears.

Demetri sighed a small nod of relief.

After being frozen for her whole speech, I returned her hug fondly. My heart began to settle. Was it me or do my shoes weigh a tonne? My legs felt so heavy.

Fresh tears dampened my vision as relief washed my brain clean of clutter. She was worried about not only Demetri, but me too. She didn't hate me at all.

I tried to hide my face from Demetri in Elouise' hair. It smelled freshly washed and I couldn't stop myself from grinning.

Before I had the chance to wipe my escaping tears she pulled away from the hug and warmth despairingly.

I initiated to immediately look away and wipe at my face but Mrs Griffins hands went down my arm and to my hands, refraining me from hiding my tears.

I was silent crying, open and bare in front of both Demetri and Mrs Griffin. Damn it. I should have thought this through better.

Hastily, I smiled shyly and hid my face away.

"Lilith," wooed Elouise.
She placed her fingers tenderly underneath my chin so that I was positioned to have to look her in the eye.
"Shouldn't if anyone, I be the one crying hon?"

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