Technical Match One-Shot

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Lester's POV

I was just fixing what should never have been broken in the first place. My sister never should have died. She shouldn't have been taken from me. From my family. We weren't ready to lose her yet, but did anyone care. No. She was still ripped away from us.

She was innocent, a simple beauty. She would never harm a fly, she couldn't, she was one of the nicest people I have had the fortune to meet and to know. It broke my heart to lose her, she was my light in the dark as cliche as that sounds, it was true. Always so happy, no matter what people said about her or what was going on. People didn't have a single bad word to say about her, she always made people smile. Was that enough to save her though? Of course not, because bad things happen to good people all the time and she was the example that opened my eyes. That showed me all of the bad in the world. It opened my eyes to reality

The memories of my encounter with Avery, of my attempt to event the score flash through my mind, behind my eyes, like a film.


"Why are you scared? I'm not going to hurt you?" I whispered, cracking my fingers.

"Why?" She croaked out. I feel like she had hit me, mentally I scoff at how naive she sounded.

"Why?" I repeated the confusion I am feeling showed in my voice. I raised my eyebrows until they hit my hairline. How could she not know why I was doing this? Why I had to do this? "I'll tell you why," my lips pulled back into an ugly snarl, "You had everything!" I roared, I see her flinch back at my volume and expression. I was pissed.

She moved away but I was not even half way done yet, " You had your brother when I didn't. Don't you see how unfair that was? I had to make it fair." I could see it in her eyes she didn't understand. She would never understand.

"Lester, what are you saying?" She asked.

I turned to face her, my long lean body stalked across Caleb's room. I bent down and picked up the metal rod. I then stepped over the three bodies. I lowered myself down right next to Quinn's unmoved body. 

"NO!" Avery screamed as I bought the pocket knife up to Quinn's still face, I make the decision not to acknowledge her. I moved his hair and trailed the knife down his forehead and across his check. A dazed expression covered my face the power I had in the situation registering. I pushed myself of the floor lightening quick.

"You see Avery, you are easily fooled. You trusted Quinn Cresswell, he's school's most notorious bad boy and then you trusted me. You should't trust people that easily. I trusted Lucian Frey once. And what did he do?" I held up a gun gesture to my head, "Pow."

I stepped over Quinn's body to get closer to Avery, I still held the metal rod, "Why was Caleb allowed to live when my sister was dead? That's not fair at all."

I saw the reliastion flash through her eyes, but she would never understand fully. No one would.

You think being at that place was going to help? They all tired to make me forget and move on but I never forget." My heart aches at the thought of them trying to make me forget. How could anyone forget?

"Lester-" She started but I stopped her. I don't need to hear how she makes this all about her.

I held the metal rod up which caused her to shut her mouth. "No you don't get to speak, this about me and making the world fair." I stepped toward her, Avery's mother yelped but all Avery's attention was on me.

"Caleb had to die but I did him a favour I made it quick and painless. I knew where he was going to be, and no one was around  when I got my chance. My first attempt was many nights ago when I went to his window. But you were there and your lover boy was coming." I reveal, the realization of that night flashed across her face.

"Now Avery, you have a mother, a non- existant father and that's it, I've got a mother and no one else."  I felt strange. Something in me had snapped.

I gripped onto her throat and yanked her away from the ground. My mouth was opened ajar slightly as I held her eye, they reminded me of my sister's.

"My sister had brown eyes." I whispered, tightening my grip on her throat.

"Les-" Avery's voice croaked out but she just couldn't finish it. 

One minuet I held Avery's throat in my grip, the next I was being tarapped by three big looking men. I was not in the wrong. I was just fixing what the world had failed to fix. Righting what needed to be righted.


Do I regret that I did? No, I would do it all again. I evened most of a score that need to be evened. Lucian Frey took my sister because I trusted him. How could Avery think that what I did was unfair when all I did was simply try to teach her what trusting someone could do to the people around you. Kill them. It could kill those you care about most and leave you with the crippling pain.

All I was doing was helping Avery to understand. I know that there will be so many people who do not understand the reasons I did the things I did.  The reason I ended Caleb's life. An eye for an eye so to speak isn't that what people say? I think it is. He reminded me of her a lot in certain ways, like the way he could always make Avery smile just like my sister did to me for example. He was special to Avery just like my sister was to me.

Now, I can't even say her name without a paralyzing pain shooting through my heart, my family fell apart after her death, unlike Avery's her ad her mum just drifted apart for a while and she had her amazing hero Quinn and his bloody sidekicks Quan and Jared. Me, I have my mum. She is all I have. No friends no other family. Just my mum. She isn't the same though, hasn't been since my sister's passing.

I had to do it people just won't understand, I couldn't leave it to the police to sort it out, I had to do it myself it was for me to fix and me alone, letting the cops try to fix it well that is like winning a football game from a penalty and as Pele said, "A penalty is a cowardly way to score."

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed! 

So this is my attempt at the Technical Match One-Shot Competition  I decided I would try and get Lester's Pov across and to show how I feel he was feeling and what his mindset was. 


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