» Ep. 6 «

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Lunch Time.

You sat beside Daniel, Zoe on the other side of him as you ate silently. You and Daniel were a bit early, just as others came.

You glanced up and then noticed the shrimpy male from yesterday. He was carrying and struggling to balance three trays, holding two and balancing the other on his head.

He seemed to be speaking on the phone, the phone on his shoulder as he barely held it with his chin, his head tilted so it wouldn't fall and break.

Daniel saw him and smiled, walking over before leaning down slightly to get in eye level. "Hey! Same class, right? Let's sit together." The skinny boy, you were able to learn was Jiho, stared at him, a bit skeptic and surprised.

"Why him?.."
"I'm jealous.."

Gossips and whispers were spreading quickly as the other students watched what the most handsome and new guy in school just did.

So here you were, sitting in between Daniel and Zoe as Jiho sat on the other side of him. You could hear and see Daniel trying to interact with him, and you smiled, glad that not all people were bad.

"Where do you live?" Daniel asked, giving a big smile to him as he looked over at Jiho.

"Why did he invite me here?..Y/n's so quiet and calm too..." Jiho thought, sitting uncomfortably.

Zack then came into the room, hands in his pockets and the three guys behind him. He stared with furrowed eyebrows, confused on why Daniel was sitting with his prey.

"Oh, Daniel must be watching out for him!"
"A heart of gold~"
"He's so sweet~"

"Is he trying to make me look bad?..What's he doing with him?.." Zack clicked his tongue as he glared a bit at Daniel.

"That him? Those transfers that took down Zack?"
Zack flinched when he heard that, whipping around to find the source of the voice, until he landed on a male with sunglasses who just came into the cafeteria.

From the Vocal&Dance Dept. : Vin Jin

"Wow, he's handsome, and she's beautiful!"
"I'm better though, right?"
"Take off your sunglasses...."

With a smirk, Vin Jin walked up and closer to Zack. "So, heard you lost to the transfers, Zack." Vin Jin chuckled as well. "And you drag around those ugly characters."

"I'm good looking!" All three guys behind Zack thought, scowling.

"I may have lost to them, but I can probably take you, and those rats you hang with aren't so pretty either." Zack retorted back, glancing at him.

"This punk!" The one loud obnoxious friend.
"Why me?.." The one suffering and annoyed friend.

"Hey." Zack turned to Vin Jin completely, who gave a heavy and intense glare through his sunglasses. "You wanna die?"

Zack then faked a punch, still swinging as his fist was only inches away from Vin Jin's face. "Try me." Zack gave a daring look, challenging him.

Except, Zack had failed to notice Vin Jin's hand that was positioned and ready to push Zack back roughly, sweatdropping slightly when he saw it.

"Vin Jin and Zack Lee!"

You were watching a bit before noticing Daniel perking up when he heard a voice.

"What? A fight?"
"Zack and Vin?"

Daniel turned around and was met with the man You had met yesterday, after saving the two shorter males.

In walked the Architecture Dept. : Vasco.

"Ah, it's the architecture dept."
"Mighty Vasco!"

"May the best man win." Vasco's best friend, Jace who had slightly above average sized ears, spoke.

Daniel was surprised to see him, and wanting to thank him and meet him properly, he stood up, hands on the table as You turned to him and Vasco.

"H-Hey!" Daniel shouts a bit, a sparkle in his eyes as he stared at Vasco, who had jumped a bit, startled.

Vasco and Jace turned to Daniel and Vasco furrowed his eyebrows. Jace leaned over to say something. "Those two are the transfers." He directed to Daniel and you, you staring at them both.

"Maybe he's picking a fight?" Jace assumes, glancing at you, before turning to Daniel. Vasco narrows his eyes, seeing Jiho and then Zoe, before his eyes landed on you.

You gave a small smile when he did and with slight pink cheeks, he turned away, before focusing on why he was staring at them. "Che...handsome guys, are always bad.." Vasco muttered under his breath.

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