» Vasco's Date : Two «

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» I forgot to mention it.

Vasco might be a LITTLE BIT out of character..


You waited patiently, leaning against the gates a bit and relaxing with the wind just breezing gently against you.

You heard whispers but ignored them as you also took some pictures with a few fans of your modeling career and just people who thought you were cute.

Soon, you heard a voice.


You turned and saw a smiling Vasco, who completely looked different but was still the same Vasco at the same time.

He wore dark blue khakis with a white button up, a couple buttons unbuttoned and a black blazer over it, his hands in his pockets as he held another rose as well.

You stood up straight and smiled at Vasco, watching him walk over. "I'm sorry, did you wait long?" He asked, a bit worried and nervous.

You only giggled at him a bit and shook your head. "No, it's okay." You replied and glanced down to the Rose and his eyes followed and he blushed a bit. "Oh right, here." He handed the Rose once more but you noticed something about it, it being similar to the other one.

You were about to question it but then you smiled a bit and brushed it off, figuring out why he gave you this particular Rose.

"Thank you, Vasco. You look nice." You complimented and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Thanks..you look great.." He was awkward and shy but you didn't mind and you hummed softly.

"So where should we go?" He asked and You thought a bit before smiling slightly. "Well, why don't we walk around a bit first and see what we can find." You suggested and Vasco nodded and went along, walking beside you.

"So, Vasco, Tell me about yourself." You asked, as you guys started walking away from the school.

Unfortunately, you both failed to notice several eyes watching you. "Are you sure we should do this? Why don't we just leave them alone?.." Daniel whispered to Jace and Zack who were intent on watching and following closely on the date.

"No way! We can't pass this up!" Zack whisper shouted as he hid behind a wall of a building, gaining several weird glances from wandering citizens.

Minhyoung nodded in full agreement. "Besides, we have to make sure nothing happens between the two!" He says, hiding with Zack while Daewon sighed at them. "You guys are gonna get caught.."

Jay nodded but despite his disagreement of what Zack and Minhyoung were doing, he too was hiding with them and watching the two.

Jace ignored them and walked along. "This is the only time Vasco has ever been so happy.." he mumbled as he watched them closely as well.


You listened and talked with Vasco casually, smiles on both of your faces as you walked. You began to notice that you were finally at the park after a bit of walking, seeing the little children run around and play.

You saw a couple people sitting on the benches and talking or just resting or doing whatever they wanted and you turned to Vasco and smiled. "A walk around here led us to a park." You hummed and Vasco gave a embarrassed nod, since he was talking so much to even notice.

You started to smell a faint aroma of sweet pancakes and syrup nearby. You turned and saw a few people eating some breakfast outside a little cafe and a couple waiters bringing out more food and drinks.

You seemed to be paying a lot of attention to it since Vasco noticed you looking at something and turned and glanced to you. "You want to go in and eat?"

"Huh?" You snapped out of your trance and glanced to Vasco who stared at you and you gave a shy smile, your cheeks a bit pink. "Sorry, I was distracted. It's okay though."

As if on cue, your stomach lightly growled from hunger since you skipped breakfast and Vasco smiled a bit. "Let's go inside and eat. I don't mind." He suggests and you felt embarrassed and guilty a bit but at least he didn't mind as you two started heading to the little cafe.

Once you guys stepped in, the warm cozy aura was enchanted upon you both, the sweet smell of fluffy waffles and fresh cups of coffee spreading everyone as their was smiles, soft music playing and people seeming to be enjoying their time.

Luckily, it wasn't packed so a waiter quickly took notice of your entrance and led you both to a little area outside in sort of a secluded private area. There was a little fence rail and a small roof hut to block any wind or rain that may come but not too much that it would block the shining sun.

Naturally, you took a seat with Vasco sitting on the opposite side and once you were given menus, the waiter left, leaving you and Vasco alone.

The smile on your face was beautiful, Vasco just captured by how cheerful and excited your eyes lit up when you scanned the menu for a delicious breakfast list set out for you.

Vasco then looked away and glanced down to his own menu and looked over with before looking back up at you, seeing you staring at him with a smile which made him startled with pink cheeks.

"W-What is it?" He asked, a bit confusedly and awkwardly. You only smiled more and shook your head. "It's nothing." You then looked back to the menu and then set it down, knowing your order.

Vasco noticed and set down his menu as well. "Do you know what you're getting?" He asked, closing the menu and setting it to the side.

You nodded, content with the menu since they had your favorite breakfast from your home country. "Yeah, It's-"

You were cut off with the waiter walking over with their little notepad and pencil. "Welcome to ____! My name's Alec. What can I get ya?" His bright and cheery smile was warm as his sort of Australian accent was hinted.

Vasco glanced to the waiter and nodded. "I'll take some French toast and hash brown with some chocolate milk." He responded in reply.

You looked up at the waiter, still somewhat unconfident with your korean but still was courageous to speak up. "I'll just take some [ Name Food and Drink ], thank you." You smiled kindly.

Alec smiled charmingly to you and nodded. "A popular item here actually. It's quite delicious, if I do say so myself." He chuckled a bit and put the notepad away and grabbed the menus.

"I'll be back with your drinks soon." He winked at you and smiled before leaving, as you smiled and turned to Vasco who seemed to slightly glare at the waiter but you didn't take notice.

He then relaxed a bit and turned to you and sighed and then tilted his head like a little child, confused since he never heard of that particular food. "Is that..food?" He questioned a bit, curious.

You giggled a bit at his reaction. "Yeah, it's quite popular in my home country. You can have a bite of mine if you'd like." You smiled and Vasco blushed a bit and smiled shyly, nodding. "Sure.."


Hopefully this is going well, yes? Please tell me someone actually is enjoying this ;-; I don't want to make content that people aren't happy with.

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