Best friends

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This story is requested by jiaxibal0192
Syra and Tom had been best friends ever since they first stepped into Hogwarts. While still friends Tom had gained followers with Srya's brother, Avery. Slowly they started having feelings for each other. Like crushes. Tom never have felt this way before, neither did Syra.
-Syra's P.O.V-
I was making my way to my friends at the Slytherin table. Daisy Tomson, my friend was looking at me with a knowing smirk.
"so..... Where were you last night? I know you were out of your bed." Last night I was walking and talking with Tom.
"I-I-I-I was with Tom." She gave me a smirk.
"N-n-no it's n-n-n-not like that." I stuttered turning red. I looked to my left and saw Tom looking at me with a smirked. He winked and I obviously winked back.
"Hey since we are going to Hogmeade today want to come?" She asked and I nodded. I spent my whole evening with my friends. It was very shall I saw exciting. I tried to meet up with Tom, but he kept ignoring me. I sighed. A man came out of the shadows and wrapped a cloth over my mouth. I started to fight back but I started to drift into the darkness.
-Tom's P.O.V-
I was looking for Syra so we could go to the three broomsticks, but I saw no sign of her at all. It wasn't like her to disappear. She wouldn't. I saw Daisy Tomson, one of Syra's friends and decided to talk to her.
"Hello, Miss. Tomson. I was wondering if you saw Syra this evening? I was supposed to meet her." Daisy shook her head.
"She told me that she was looking for you. I haven't seen her since." She said. I started to panic. Ever since we were little I always had a.........crush on her. I loved her laugh, smile, and hugs. Her smile is always contagious to anyone, and me.
"Do you think she went back to the castle?"
"No, it wouldn't be like her. She always would tell us if she was going back. She hates being alone." I said. I then saw a man with a body in his arms. I pointed at him and Daisy looked. Blond hair, and Slytherin tie. That was Syra!
"Hey, that's my friend! Stop!" I yelled but he smiled and disapparated. I saw his face before.
"Who was that and why does he have Syra?"
"I don't k ow but we need to tell someone. Now!" I said and we both ran back to Hogwarts. I ran to Dippit's office with Daisy.
"Professor, we have some bad news." Daisy said panting after the long run. I did to. He looked at us with concern written on his face.
"Sir, Srya Avery has been kidnapped. I saw the person, but wasn't fast enough to catch him." I said. Dippit paused and gathered Aurors to find her. I wanted to help but the declined. We both were kicked out of his office.
"We need to find her, Daisy would you like to help me look for her?" She shook her head.
"I can't Tom, I have a massive fear of facing Grindlwald. He killed my family. I can't, sorry." She said and walked away. She knew and I knew it was knew of Grindlwald's followers. I sighed and went into the common room.
-Syra's P.O.V-

I woke up in a very dark room

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I woke up in a very dark room. I also had different clothes on. What was going on, and where am I?
"Your awake my dear. I'm sure you have questions that want to be answered." A cold voice said and I looked to see Gallert Grindlwald. The most vile and cruel wizard.
"Where am I?" I asked slowly getting up from the bed.
"You are, let's say, my mansion. You see the reason I brought you here is that, I want you to be my queen. I saw what you can do with your magic, and your very quite special. Unique. I look for those kind of people to help me devour muggle worlds. What do you say?" He asked stepping close to me. I almost chocked on my spit. A wizard powerful than I am, takes a liking in me? Eww gross. What would Tom say?
"How 'bout no." I said running away. He then stopped me with his magic. I struggled to get free and fell to the floor.
"No one leaves without permission. You will join me and I will wait for your answer while you stay in this room." He said and left me in the room. I ran to the door and tried to open it, but the door was locked.
"Help, let me go!" I yelled trying to open the door, but it was no use. I then looked up and saw the window. He may have locked me in, but he didn't saw anything about leaving through the window.

I tied a rope and escaped through the window. I landed and I realized that I was barefoot. I groaned and saw guards running to catch me. I gasped and ran. I ran as fast as I can. I apparated near a tree a little far from the mansion. I sighed and had a job to do: find Hogwarts. I sighed yet again and began my journey.
-Tom's P.O.V-
I set out to find Syra. I knew that Grindlwald lived near a village, called Puhun. I apparated there and saw a lot of people. I then saw a run down trail and decided to follow knowing that it was his house. I then hear some yelling when I walked.
"She escaped find her!" Someone yelled. I knew that her was Syra. But why would Grindlwald want her? I took out my wand and kept low. I then heard someone running and panting. I quickly ran in that direction and bumped into someone........or some girl. She gasped and hit my nose. I groaned. She gasped and saw it was only me.
"Tom?" She said breathlessly and hugged me. I hugged back, and was happy she was safe.
"We have to get out of here. He's looking for me." I nodded and we ran together. I held her hand and apparated us to Hogmeade. She laughed breathlessly and hugged me. I hugged back. She let go and walked. I took in of what she was wearing. She looked beautiful. [^^dress up there^^]
"You look beautiful." I said and she giggled. She turned and curtsied.
"Why thank you, Tom." She said and laughed. I laughed too. I then came close to her.
-3rd P.O.V-
Tom came really close and put a lose strand of hair behind her ear. She felt her heart quicken its last.
He reluctantly liked the way she was nervous. He chuckled.
"You know, your cute when your nervous." He said and put his lips on hers. Syra was shocked, but soon she relaxed into the kiss. They kept kissing until she was out of breath.
"Come on we have to get back to the castle." She said and walked away. Tom walked behind her, thinking about what just happened a couple minutes ago.

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