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Song - Excuse me by AOA (kpop fans, hi 👋)

Hi my name is Mina Henry, and I'm a spy working for Dumbledore

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Hi my name is Mina Henry, and I'm a spy working for Dumbledore. See I'm not just a normal spy. I'm a spy that has to keep tabes on a certain boy, Tom Riddle. I put some notes on my bored and sighed. I'm the same age as him but didn't pay attention to that.
"So have anything?" Someone asked and I jumped. I saw Dumbledore and he chuckled.
"I'm sorry to scare you like that, I'll knock." He said and went next to me.
"There are rumors that Riddle is going to visit Riddle manor over break." I said and Dumbledore nodded.
"Yes, it is true. Professor Slughorn has said it himself. I just hope that you'll be alright, Mina." He said and held my shoulders.
"Yes Professor, I'll be fine." I said and have a reassuring smile.
"Alright then. I'll see you after break. Oh and do be careful. Riddle can....sense when someone is watching. So do try to use Occulmency. Don't want people into you head." He said and left. I forgot Riddle was a legitimense.

It was the starting of break and I got on the train to King's cross. It was a cold day and I brought a newspaper with me, since it was important after all. The newspaper said that Grindelwald is still on the move and the Aurors were trying hard to fine them. I heard the door opened but I never looked up, I knew who it was. Tom Riddle sat down across from me. I put the newspaper in front of my face and looked up. He starred at the window, but when he turned back I looked down. The door opened again to reveal the trolly lady.
"Anything from the trolly dearie?" She asked and I sat up and put my newspaper down.
"I would like a chocolate frog and a pack of droobles." I said and paid for them.
"You dear?" She asked Riddle and he gave her a fake smile I've seen perhaps many times.
"No thank you, I'm all good." He said and she nods. She left and I sighed.
"What's the matter, Henry?" He asked with a smirk.
"Nothing that concerns you Riddle." I said and ate my treats from the trolly.

It's been an hour since the talk and we arrived at Kings cross. I secretly followed Riddle to a place. He looked back and forth to see if anyone was watching and apparated away. I knew where he was going and apparated after him. Once I got there I saw him walking somewhere and followed after him. I saw him go to an old man.
"Excuse me, where could I find Riddle manor?" Riddle asked and the man froze.
"You wanna go to the psycho's house? Be my guest. It's over there, followed that dirt road and you'll be there." The man said and Riddle followed. I followed him again, this time he went another way. It wasn't what the man had told him to go so I tried to look for him. Instead, I felt arms snake around my waist and a wand on my throat. This was it. Riddle had caught me.
"Now tell me, what is a girl like yourself, doing out here following me?" Riddle asked and I struggled to breath fuse how deep the wand was, hurting my throat.
"Riddle, please." I pleaded but he went much further. I gasped and gasped, praying for air.
"I only came so I can watch you."
"What me do what? Murder people? Well be my guest." He said and let's me go.
"Your going to Riddle manor with me so you can 'watch me' do something." He said and grabbed my wrist, hard.

After a while of dragging me, we made it to the manor. It was old and dark. The place looked like it was abandoned for years.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked Riddle who also looked at the house.
"Alright can we just go, so we can get this over with?" I asked with shivers going down my spine. Riddle rolls his eyes and leads the way inside. The place wasn't at all what I expected to be. It was a very old run down place filled with webs and spiders. It looked like no one has been in here in a while.
"Is anyone here, you wanted to see?" I asked him and he glared at me.
"You won't question anything while we are here." He said and left. I sighed and followed after him.
"What do you want?" I heard a masculine man say. Me and Riddle stopped. We both turned around and saw a gruffy man dressed in ripped clothes carrying a knife.
"I'm here for Thomas Riddle Sr." Riddle said and I looked at him.
"Oh he's here, should I get him for ya?" The man asked gruffly.
"Yes, please." Riddle said with a smirk. The huge man went around us to the get him.
"Riddle, what are you doing?" Riddle turned around and smirked at me.
"Something I should of done long ago." He responded and it even made me more scared.
"What do you want?" I heard another voice. Riddle and me turned to face a man with loads of gray hair and he also held a knife. I went next to Riddle and held onto his sleeve. He looked at me and then look back at the two men.
"I'm here for Thomas Riddle Sr." Tom said and the man with gray hairs laughed.
"What do you want with me kid?" He asked and Tom smirked.
"Just wanna have some old son and father talk." Thomas Sr. Widened his eyes.
"Your that son of that insane woman. She fed me that stupid love potion." Thomas Sr. Said and I looked at Thomas Sr. And Tom. They both look exactly like each other, but Tom was more younger.
"How dare you call my mother insane!" Tom sneered and pulled out his wand.
"She was, where she now? Dead?" Thomas Sr. Asked and Tom balled up his fists.
"Stupefy." Tom casted and stunned the guy next to Thomas Sr. I gasped.
"Your turn." Tom said and went up to Thomas Sr.
"Tom Stop!" I yelled and Tom stopped and turned to me.
"Henry! Let me do..."
"No! I will or let you kill him." I said and went in between them.
"This man made me. This man called my mother insane. This is why I look exactly like him. They all say I look like him, but I'm not anything like him." Tom yelled and pointed his wand at Thomas Sr. 
"Step aside Mina." Tom warned but I shook my head.
"Suit yourself. Avada Kedavra." Tom casted and I slide away. I watched in horror as Tom killed Thomas.
"Tom!" I exclaimed and looked at Tom.
"What had to be done was done." Tom said and looked at the guy on the floor. He killed him and he smirked at me.
"Let's go." He said and I looked at the now dead bodies of his father and some old random guy.

On the train back I watched Tom. He raised his eyes to me.
"What?" He asked me and I scoffed as I shook my head.
"I can't believe you, you killed an innocent man..."
"He called my mother insane, I can't believe my mother would fall for a dim witted guy." He said and looked the other way.
"Well I know it's none of my business, but what did he ever do to you? It's not his fault he was put under a love potion. Sometimes you just can't assume of people did bad or good." I said and walked out of the compartment. I walked to another one and settle in that one. I could not believe my ears. I was gonna change him, but I can't. He has to change and I want to see it. 

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