Chapter 3: Mystery Box

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As I tidied what Tanner had left when he was here, a vibrating noise rang from the cardboard box Derek had brought to the apartment from Lexi.

I approached the box and placed my ear against it. Again the vibration rumbled inside the box.

"What's that sound?" Derek asked getting up out of the recliner.

"I'm not sure. Do you have a pocket knife?" I replied.

"Yes. Be careful though. It's sharp." Derek said, handing me the pearl handled pocket knife carefully.

"Sure thing."

I grabbed the box and put it on my lap. I gripped the knife with my right hand, cutting through the tape. It sliced through it like it was nothing. He must have sharpened it well. I glanced up to see my beautiful children curiously gazing towards the box I was opening.

"What's that you got Mom?" Dixie asked.

"Well sweetie, I'm not sure. Derek brought it from Lexi. She said it was from Uncle Tanner," I answered closing the lazar sharp knife and passing it to Derek.

As I opened the box, I placed my hand on my chest. Inside was a picture of Tanner and me at the park with Dixie, Marcie and Layne. Along with the image was my Dad's Purple Heart medal with dog tags, a cell phone, my wallet, and a couple of rolls of money.

Derek took the picture out the box. "When was this taken? You and your family seemed happy."

"It was when Layne was a couple of months old. Tanner was in town at the time. Instead of us staying at his place, he suggested we would take the kids to the park. Then to dinner at the Golden Corral," I smiled remembering the memory vividly.

As I put the picture on the mantle, the phone buzzed from the box. The caller ID blinked the name 'Tanner Rodriguez.' I grabbed the phone and placed it against my ear.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, how are you and the kids doing, Letty bug?" Tanner responded cheerfully.

"We are doing great. We arrived here early this morning."

"That's great! Have you went grocery shopping yet?"

"We haven't. I had on made a grocery list. We were supposed to go with Alexis, but she's still not here."

"Momma, we are hungry. Can we go get food yet?" Dixie whined holding her stomach.

"We'll go once Lexi gets here. If she's not here in the next thirty minutes, I will check if Derek can show where it is in Fayetteville, okay?"

"Was that the kids?" Tanner asked.

"Yes. The kids would be happy to hear from you," I said.

"Hey kids, come here! Uncle Tanner wants to speak with you."

The floor rumbled through my children's feet. Dixie snatched the phone from me with glee.

"Hey, Uncle Tanner! How are you doing?" they half shouted.

"I'm doing great kiddos! What about you all?"

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