Chapter 43

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He saw the shock register on my face before I could hide it. A small smile played on his lips, I guess he gets that a lot. It wasn't what he said though, his words were like vanilla pudding, sweet in their ordinary sort of way, it was the richness of his tones – luxurious and warm. two of them together otherwise.

As the realization began to set in I knew that the kids had no idea that Tanner was home a week earlier than expected.

The first child that we decided to surprise was Dixie. She is a freshman in high school. I know that she has a play rehearsal today at the gymnasium and she is playing the lead roll.

As we entered the building I couldn't help but think what Dixie was going to do when she saw the man that had basically helped raise her from the time that she was a little baby that has been gone for the past fifteen months. Was she going to cry or would she want to come with us to surprise Marcie and Layne. More than likely the latter of the two.

As I walked in the large well equipped gym of the high school Tanner was waiting in the office with the principal, Mrs. Zinngerman. I went to find a seat to watch my lovely daughter rehearsal for the play later tonight. As the rehearsal started Mrs. Zinngerman came into the gym with the mascot of Big Vally High, The Polite Macaw. As the Polite Macow came into the gym all the children in the gym started cheering for the Polite Macow was scanning the auditorium. So many myriads of faces--like beads on a bead-work pattern--all bead-work, in different layers.

At the same moment I could not help but take the head of the mascot off of my head and at that exact moment Dixie had figured out what was going on. She knew that I was home. For at least another year before I was deployed again.

He saw the shock register on my face before I could hide it. A small smile played on his lips, I guess he gets that a lot. For you there is nothing but an impish glee, the kind that feels like the icing on cakes and splashing in the sea. All it takes is for my thoughts to turn to you and the excitement switch is well and truly on. It's as if there's always a trail of gunpowder in my veins and you have the only match, letting it spark, bringing my soul out to play.

Dixie POV

My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up.

As Tanner sat the head down I charged at him. He braced for the impact that he knew was coming.

I always thought that trust must come before love, yet it is not so, for love and trust can arrive at the same moment. When love is given in this way, immediate, no explanations, the trust arrives too. Perhaps that is why people advise caution or call it foolish, but to me it never is. Love is love, always a gift from the divine spirit. This love isn't physical, it isn't a "sin" to feel such strong affections; it isn't an excuse to leave a relationship that has become difficult. This love is a clue to a possible new branch in a life. This new person maybe someone you will one day protect, rescue or nurture. So even though trust is so foundational to all human relationships, it doesn't always first, it can come as part of a sudden package deal.

Love transforms my emotions into a healthy perspective and the kind of good thoughts that build my better self. Love's healing power lights up the brain and gives a kind of vision we call emotional sunrise.

I didn't realize that until what was love until my mom's best friend came home from a year and a half long deployment.

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