Chapter 36

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Tanner steps from the shadows, stealing my breath and the heat from my skin. Suddenly my defences are just paper, paper that is being soaked by the rapidly falling briny drops. Before I can draw in the air my body needs I have melted into his form. I can feel his firm torso and the heart that beats within. His hands are folded around my back, drawing me in closer. I can feel my body shake, crying for the missed time we will never make back, crying to release the tension of the year long  deployment. He pulls is head back and wipes the tears with a calloused finger, even this roughness brings more relief than my heart can hold. He is eating me with his eyes, running his hand through my hair, as if he can't quite believe I'm not part of an almost forgotten dream. When he kisses me it's sweet, gentle, and it tastes of my tears. I want to speak but all I can do is croak, "Don't go, not again." His mouth paints a soft smile and he nods once before folding me in his arms again. It was as if he knew that he was going to be coming home earlier than expected because the kids were no where in sight.

"Don't look so sad." I poke Letty's nose and hold her close, brushing a strand of dark brown hair away from her face. She sniffs dejectedly and buries her face in my chest.

"Let's watch a movie." I stand up and put in the DVD player and join her back on the couch. She eagerly wraps her arms around my waist, once again burying her head in my chest.

"Isn't this better?" I ask at the middle of the movie. I look down and see that she was half asleep, her eyes opening at my question. She barely nods, her eyes slipping closed.

"This movie is dumb." Tanner whines for the fifth time. 

"Don't be such a girl," I wrap my arms around his torso and hug him close. "I bet you're tired," I say as his arms encircle my waist and his head lolls to my shoulder. 

"Maybe," he murmurs with a tiny sigh. I smile happily as a few minutes in to the movie he goes limp.

Tanner's chocolate brown eyes opened and closed from the light of the TV and I sort of smiled. Tanner
He stared at me in comfusion, blinking, his eyelashes brushing against my cheek. "Nothing." I tried to hide my smile as best as I could. He rolls his eyes and nuzzles into my shoulder, his dark brown hair inches from my nose. I could smell his apollo smell, which was too good for words. After a few agonizing minutes, I felt him go limp and I smiled huge and big, cradling him to my chest. Falling asleep myself with my best friend home from a year long deployment.

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