Chapter 42

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As the mission was done I called Derek on the computer.

As I pulled up Skype on the computer in the communications tent I couldn't help but think what I was going to say when I git home to Letty or the kids.

The blue screen pulled up on the computer before I chickened out of what I was about to do I clicked on Derek's name.

As the computer went through the process of contacting Derek I couldn't help but notice that my hands were starting to shake. As Derek answered the call his image popped up onto the screen.

When Derek settles before me I smile. "I get to come hime in about three weeks. But I need your help on doing something." He peers my way, face resolutely impressed.

"Hey brother, what do you need my help with?"

"Well I was thinking of suprising Letty and the kids when I get home." I open my eyes wider, keeping the smile. He nods and takes a sip of his coffee, offering a nod here and there.

"When do you think that you will be home?"

"I am shooting for one week. But the commander is shooting for two. So I am shooting for January 25th." I replied while shacking my head.

As I gazed at the screen of the computer I couldn't help but think that I was going to see my family again.

"I don't see why I cant help you with that."

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