Chapter 20: Deployment

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The bakery was in one of those little stores in the run-down part of town. It looked like a shack with a hand-painted sign, but once you stepped inside you were greeted by the most enthusiastic baker with a smile as warm as his loaves. Each one was lovingly handmade in the Romanian style; heavy, dense, hearty and nutritious. It smelled so good that I wanted to bottle the scent and take it home.

Tanner told me to meet him at this bakery, Irresistible Indulgence. It wasn't far from the East gate to the base.

As I ordered a sour cherry strudel, a cream cheese croissant, and large coffee, there was deep males voice beside me saying, "Ma'am make that two orders of what she has ordered. Also, I am going to be needing a dozen glazed donuts, and a dozen chocolate covered donuts, please."

As I glance over my shoulder, I couldn't help but find that Tanner was standing right beside me. I didn't even notice that he was there. I should have seen his cologne. He used one of my favorites. His scent was so much more exotic; I could recognize the brand of cologne he used one of my favorites - intermingling with the outlandish aroma of forest and cinnamon.

"Letty, I need to talk to you when we get somewhere to sit. I found out some critical information this morning before physical training by the Major."

The bakery was full. I looked around at the busy tables. An old couple eating side by side, one glass of milk each, studiously bent over their meals - a group of young women in their thirties collapsing with helpless giggles as a stern woman dining alone.

As we found a place to sit in the busy bakery, Tanner said something that got me to thinking.

"Has Derek talked to you about what the Major told us this morning?"

As I sat down in the chair to eat the breakfast that I bought I answered, "No, he didn't."

"The Major informed our platoon that we are to deploy to the Middle East for a year," he said, taking a bite of his strudel.

As I looked at the strudel, words left me as the news sank into what it means to myself and the kids. I stared into those bright blue eyes burning with confusion, and my heart fell silent.

How would I tell the kids that their Uncle Tanner was going to deploy for a year? Better yet how will I handle Jace when he wakes up from his coma?

As I became lost in thought when Tanner said something else. "Letty you have a computer and webcam. We can Skype whenever I have a chance. You and the kids can send me care packages and letters whenever you want. I am not going to just up and not have anything to do with you."

"Tanner that's right, but I have all this stuff going on in my life, and I depend on you to help me deal with it. Did you know that when we broke up at Paris Island, I thought that we would never be able to have the friendship that we had before?"

"I would believe it, but look at us now. We are here. Yes, it will be a hard journey we had so far apart, but we will make it work." He offered.

"We have always been able to do that, but Tanner, my feelings for you have resurfaced. I thought I got over it when we broke up, but I guess I didn't."

"What do you mean by that?"

"For the last few weeks, I have been trying to avoid the fact that I still have feelings for you that I thought I had gotten over. However, they are still there."

"What do you mean they are still there?"

"Exactly. I got with Jace because you told me to get on with my life when you graduate from the Marine Corps boot camp." I said as I wrapped up the remaining breakfast for the kids after school.

"Well, I have some things I need to confess also. I have never gotten over the fact that we broke up."

"Then what are we going to do about this?" I cried.

However, I couldn't will my lips to move. As if stuck underwater, everything was slow and warbled as Derrek pointed a shaky finger in my face.

"Do you have nothing to say? I have poured my heart out to you. Now tell me what you're thinking!" he demanded.

My mind was blank and my eyes wide as I stared at him in horror. His eyes desperately searched mine, waiting. I had to say something!

I searched my mind for something reasonable to say, but to my surprise, my heart answered for me, "I will miss you, Derek. We will look at this soon."

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