Chapter 10: Accidents Happen

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Before I left the house that I bought in South Carolina, and I got a call from a buddy of mine who was in the army with me.

As I picked up the phone, loud rock music thumped in the background. Only one person I know who listens to music that loud: Tristan Rossi.

"Hello," I said into the phone as I slung my messenger bag over my shoulder, hoping that this wouldn't take long.

"Hey, Jace. I might not be able to make it to the game tonight. I have to be at the airport to pick up my son. Can I get a raincheck on the game?" Tristan asked.

"Yeah, yeah we can meet up later, but I have something that I would like to ask you?" Jace said.

"Shoot. I will try to answer whatever you throw my way," Tristan said.

I stared at a picture of Letty. "Have you seen Letty or the kids in the last couple of days?"

"This isn't a conversation we should be having."

"Please, I need to know your answer."

"I saw her a couple of days ago at the mall with Dixie, Marcie, Layne, and Tanner. Why what's going on?"

I sat on the couch. "Well, some things are going on with Marcie that only I know."

"What do you mean by that?"

I rubbed my chin in deep thought. "There is something that is going on with Marcie that the doctors in Arizona were treating her for."

"Does Letty know anything about this?"

"No, she doesn't. I need to get ahold of her soon. Marcie needs to be seen by a doctor here in Fayetteville."

"What will happen if she doesn't get medical treatment?"

"I'm not sure what will happen. The doctors never told me, but I am sure that it can't be anything good."

"I will tell Letty that you are trying to get in contact with her, that it's essential."

"Thanks so much, Tristan."

I hung up the phone. As I made sure I had everything I needed, I approached the front door where my keys hung in the lock. I have to tell Letty about Marcie being sick. If I don't do it now, she might get worse and admitted to the hospital.

As I got into my black SUV, I glanced at the house I bought for Letty and the kids before she left. I know I treated her like shit before, but I had no idea how to handle the thought that I could lose one of my children. I know that nothing could justify the way that I treated her.

While lost in thought, a torrential downpour pelted from the sky. Without warning, my car was about to hydroplane. The crash seemed to take forever as adrenaline spread through my system. My SUV was hydroplaning into a semi-truck.

I couldn't do anything while my car skimmed along the surface of the water. Braking wouldn't help; it was like falling off a cliff with enough time to regret what you did that day but not enough time for anyone to help you or try to faction a parachute from your clothes.

In this case, there wasn't a thing I could accelerating, breaking, hand-breaking, and I was going to fast to jump out of my car but trapped.

As the front of the car hit the truck, I hated inertia. My body flung my face forwards, hitting the airbag. My nose crumpled and broke. All I could do was hope for the best.

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