Vietnam tries to leave (and other issues i guess)

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Singapore created the group "ASEAN"

Singapore added Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, and 5 others to the group chat

Indonesia: ASEAN unite!

Myanmar: finally

Philippines: kamusta everybodey

Singapore: *everybody

Thailand: lighten up Singapore~ it's a group chat no need to be so formal

Singapore: I created this group chat for political reasons, Thailand.

Myanmar: seriously Singa

Myanmar: your one of the youngest here act like it

Singapore: And you're the oldest yet you're still immature.

Singapore: Also...

Singapore: *you're

Myanmar: now YOU'RE acting like England old man

Singapore: I find that offensive considering that I'm a way better cook than he will ever be. When it comes to cooking, you're more like him.

Myanmar: yah but at least I'm not a kiasu sore loser

Singapore: You d

Singapore: ID NOT JUST

Cambodia: did he just

Laos: i think he did

Thailand: *eyes widen dramatically*

Indonesia: *exaggerated gasp*

Philippines: diyos ko

Philippines: XD ate malaysia should see this

Indonesia: where is she btw

Indonesia: im gonna add her

Singapore: nO


Singapore: INDONESIA

Singapore: DON'T YOU DARE

Indonesia added Malaysia to "ASEAN"

Singapore: nOOOO

Cambodia: did she just

Laos: i think she did

Myanmar: lol the 2nd time today

Thailand: *eyes widen dramatically*

Philippines: it has happened

Singapore: HOW COULD YOU

Malaysia: hey guys

Malaysia: what happened while I was gone

Philippines: scroll up ate

Malaysia: nah too lazy tell me

Indonesia: if you really want to know scroll up

Malaysia: you got fingers tell me what happened

Philippines: you got fingers scroll up

Myanmar: oooohhh

Cambodia: did she just

Laos: cam stop

Malaysia: lol Myan actually did that to Singapore

Malaysia: you earned my respect

Myanmar: praise me

Malaysia: wow singa im really feeling the love

Vietnam left "ASEAN"

Thailand: Viet no!

Thailand added Vietnam to "ASEAN"

Viet: dammit thai

Vietnam left "ASEAN"

Philippines: ate why did u leave

Thailand added Vietnam to "ASEAN"

Indonesia: don't leave kakak

Laos: yes it's not asean without you

Cambodia: also thai would be more annoying without you

Brunei: guys you broke Singapore

Brunei: he kept muttering about Malaysia

Brunei: should I do something or

Malaysia: nah ignore him

Malaysia: he loves me

Philippines: a lot

Thailand: guys let's focus on the important things

Indonesia: XD

Thailand: Viet

Vietnam: you guys keep blowing up my phone with your stupidity

Cambodia: ouch

Laos: you could just mute the chat

Vietnam: I already did yet I still keep receiving notifications

Myanmar: maybe its your phone? or the fact that your phone know that you secretly love us all

Vietnam: maybe

Thailand: but viet just stay

Thailand: I promise we won't do anything stupid

Myanmar: lol

Cambodia: that promise was broken before it was made

Philippines: we keep making promises but in the end they just end up broken

Indonesia: piri stop

Philippines: you telling me to stop reminds me of the time when it ended too soon

Malaysia: omfg

Malaysia: i know that's trending and all

Malaysia: but stop

Vietnam: well since I'm part of the asean I suppose I should stay

Thailand: yay

Vietnam: but don't expect me to be here most of the time

Laos: guys it's 11:30 there's a meeting tomorrow

Cambodia: good night all

Myanmar: night

Vietnam: good night

Thailand: gotta go feed toto bye

Philippines: don't forget to wake me up early ate

Malaysia: yah our fates rest in you

Indonesia: what am i? your alarm clock?

Indonesia: guys?

Indonesia: dammit

Brunei: ....

Brunei: Singapore tho

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