Headcanons bc im bored

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Idk how to write the next chapter so im hoping that I'll be motivated by writing these. Or y'know, when they announce another season of Hetalia or when Himaruya creates canon ASEAN personifications aside from Vietnam and Thailand.

I'm also happy that there are people from the Countryhumans fandom reading this. I've hoped you found this entertaining enough to read this far 😊😊


-All of them know martial arts and they mastered the ones that originated from their own country.

-All of them (except Thailand) have strained relationships with their colonizers. Some of them have formed better relationships with them but the trauma is still there.

-They can all speak every single dialect from their own country (including the dead ones) fluently.

-From oldest to youngest:
(This was based on each countries' oldest kingdoms and cities.)

-At some point, they have all been raised by China

-Hanger, belt, and slipper a.k.a objects that strike F E A R  into their hearts

-The durian-mango debate has happened more than once. There was a time when all ASEAN countries joined in and fought for their national fruit.

-Since Thailand was the only asean country not colonized, he became lonely since he couldn't see his family as much as he used to. His ruler told him not to get involved with the others so that he wouldn't be dragged into any conflicts.

-As mentioned in an earlier chapter, Myanmar is terrible at cooking except when it comes to his own cuisine which he's excellent at making.

-Vietnam and Indonesia are the best at using weapons. Vietnam is known for using anything around her as weapons (like her infamous paddle) and Indonesia was feared for her use of sharp objects.

-Indonesia's favorite weapon is the chakram which she got from India

-Malaysia suddenly grew thick eyebrows while she was an English colony. She grooms them once a week to hide it

-Many think that only Thailand can make Vietnam smile, but the other ASEAN countries also made Vietnam smile at least once.

-They're superstitious up to a certain point. Even Singapore, who is the most logical, believes in some of them.

-Indonesia jumps every new year. They have a video compilation

-Myanmar and Cambodia argue a lot but they also share one brain cell

-Cambodia is the best dancer of the ASEAN

-Philippines is the 2nd best dancer. She usually does kpop and modern dances

-Laos may seem sweet and delicate but she can carry you, your whole family, and your house (She lifts and never skips leg day)

-Singapore sometimes organizes unofficial meetings (knowing that they won't be taken seriously) bc he's a softie that wants to spend time with his family more

-The others know but they won't mention it

-Toto, Thailand's elephant, is usually seen as small as a baby but it has the power to grow to the size of an adult elephant and back to a baby at will. No one knows how except Thailand

-They formed a  Brunei Protection Squad™ which got disbanded when they heard him say fuck

-The MaPhilIndo have TikTok

-Timor Leste was banned from the gc for sending too many cursed pics

-Malaysia and Myanmar was banned for a day for the same reason but the ban was lifted since they're members of the ASEAN

-They banned karaoke nights because Philippines hogs the karaoke machine


I also have a lot of historical Philippines hcs in case you're interested lol

Also, I'd love it if you share your own headcanons as well whether it be about the ASEAN in general or individual countries. You can also share some facts about your history and culture. I'll read them all since I'm a nerd that loves studying history and culture.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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