England's love life and Malaysia's dilemma

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Combining some requests bc im a lazy bish

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Combining some requests bc im a lazy bish. Also there's UkFr [bc ENGLAND IS A TOP AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND]
Sorry if this isn't what you want

--Malaysia and England--

Malaysia: hey iggs i have a question

England: What is it now?

Malaysia: wow u didn't correct that text

Malaysia: i am shook

England: All those times spent with you, Australia, America, and Myanmar have taught me a lesson:

England: Tolerance is better than blood on my hands

Malaysia: nice to know u were planning on killing ur kids

England: Bold of you to assume I ever considered you as my children.

Malaysia: I am deeply hurt, old man

England: I am not old!

England: I am just more knowledgeable than any of you!

Malaysia: calm ur ass down mate we're all old

England: ah

England: Then that would make you an old lady, then.

Malaysia: ...

Malaysia: fuc

Malaysia: anyways back to the matter

Malaysia: my dearest father

England: Please don't call me that

Malaysia: dad

England: I am disowning you

Malaysia: ah so u admit that i was ur child

England: No, I'm just doing things legally

England: Anyways, you have a question?

Malaysia: yes yes yes

Malaysia: its abt ur lovelife

England: Why would you ask me a question about that?

Malaysia: well

Malaysia: u know how people assumed that u will never get a love life?

England: They did?

Malaysia: yes

Malaysia: also i was one of them but i believe in u now

Malaysia deleted a message

England: What was that?

Malaysia: i was saying that u proved them wrong and now u and france have that relationship that worked really well for the both of u

England: Why?

England: We fight everyday

Malaysia: more like every hour but that would be inaccurate bc why would u fite in the bedroom

England: Malaysia!

Malaysia: chill i was talking abt sleeping

Malaysia: not sleeping together like THAT but sleeping together in that innocent way where u cuddle and stuff

Malaysia: but it could also be like THAT

Malaysia: anyways

Malaysia: how did u get that kind of relationship

England: Well..

England: I don't know, to be honest.

England: Why do you ask?

Malaysia: so theres this guy

England: Oh god, it's finally happening

England: I think I'm going to cry

Malaysia: tf old man?

England: The Lord has answered my prayer for I see proof that Malaysia has a heart!

Malaysia: you know wat

Malaysia: nvm

Malaysia: im leaving

England: Hi leaving


[hours later]

Malaysia: yo dad

England: I thought you left

England: Also, I'm not your father

Malaysia: u are

Malaysia: anyways

Malaysia: about love lives

Malaysia: can u help me with mine?? pls??

England: Is this about Singapore?

Malaysia: wut?

Malaysia: how?

England: You friends aren't really subtle about it

Malaysia: ill kill them

England: Nice to know you're planning on killing your friends

Malaysia: lets get back on topic

Malaysia: i need help

England: You're asking the wrong person

Malaysia: oh come on

Malaysia: you were the one who made the first move on France

England: If pushing him against the wall in a McDonald's restroom counts as making the first move then yes, I made the first move but it wasn't a smart one

England: Go bother someone else

Malaysia: finee

England: One more thing

Malaysia: ye?

England: Don't break his heart

Malaysia: WHAT?!?!


England: Goodbye

Malaysia: NO


Malaysia: EYEBROWS

There'll be a part 2 bc this focuses more on Malaysia and England's father-daughter relationship and not on SingaMalay

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