🍋 Karma x Reader 🍋

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A/n: Omfg!!! I really did this! As you can see this is my first lemon wahh! It might be crappy well all of my stories are. This might be a bit too long. Anyways, let's go. I dedicate this chapter to YandereQuin!! (thank you for requesting <3 and sorry it took long)

Warning: As you can see by the title, it's a lemon chapter which means sexual content. Don't read if you don't like it! I warned you!

Y/n's POV

I woke up with the sun shining on my bed and knocking on my door. "Hime-sama, You are requested downstairs to eat breakfast with your family and a few guests." I groaned and rolled my eyes.

Guests?! This early in the morning?!

I stuffed my head in my pillow and told him in a muffled voice. "Tell them I'm not yet hungry, Karma." I tossed and turned trying to make myself fall asleep again. "Hime-sama, you know they will be angry and it's a privilege to eat with your family. After all you'll never know if it'll be the last time." He said with a sad voice.

I stayed silent for a few seconds. I had a good idea of who those guests were. There was in no way going to have breakfast with them. "Come in, Karma, we'll talk here."
I heard the doorknob shuffling and the door is opened then closed once again. "What's wrong, Hime? Would you like me to help you bathe?" I grabbed a pillow next to me heading for its target.

Perverted Bastard!!!

I threw the pillow at him with all the strength I could muster with all this morning laziness. "Over my dead body!" He easily dodged it and smirked. "But we did bath together when we were kids, I helped you washed my back and you did mine." I felt heat rising unto my cheeks.

How can he say that with a straight face?! "You look like a tomato, Hime-sama." I calmed myself down. "There's no way I'm eating breakfast with Gakushuu and his family. Got that?" Our kingdoms arranged our marriage to each other.

I don't love Gakushuu and he doesn't love me at all. He didn't disagree on the marriage for he thinks that there's no reason to. He says that it was a way to help our people in the kingdoms. I was quite the opposite.

Once I heard the news, I literally shouted at my parents telling them that I didn't want to marry Gakushuu. Sure, I liked him but only because he's my friend. I only have eyes for a certain red-headed sadistic person.

"Y/n, Don't be stubborn. We've talked about this. I know we love each other but marrying Asano is for the future of the country. We mus-" I cut him off.

"I know. Everyone says the exact same thing and it's already drilled into my head. I can never escape this." I felt droplets of waterfall unto my cheeks but I continued. "Eat your breakfast first, Karma." I wanted to be alone because if I stay in that room, I'd snap on Karma. It's not his fault I'm in this fucked up princess tragic duty. I can't take it out on him.

Once again, I heard the agony of the door opening and closing. I sighed deeply and started to do my morning routine.

I finished dressing up into my frilly dress. I didn't mind it but somehow today everything seems to find its way to piss me off. I decided to go to the garden but I had to do it secretly since I was needed in the last place I want to be in. If I was spotted, they would surely take me there.

A long time ago, I'd like to have every meal with Gakushuu since he was one of my only friends. Everything changed when (the fire nation attacked. Hahaha XD right I'll stop :D) we drifted apart. Every time he visited his personality got worse and worse until he turned into a manipulative bastard.

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