Karma x Abused! Reader

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A/n: Helloo guys!! If you're feeling down, don't be afraid to tell me anything! I'm approachable. I don't bite Hehehe. I may not have experienced the worst but I'm here if you need someone to rant on!

Requested by: toastydrugs

It was a weekend and like all friends, you and Kayano decided to hang out. You were going to prepare for an attempt to assassinate Koro-sensei.

Spotting a make-up store and you were suddenly very intrigued. Telling Kayano that you'd like to look around, both of you entered the store.

You and Kayano had different tastes in your products so you separated to check for your own preferences. After a few minutes or so, you both met up in front of the cashier. The green-haired girl was surprised by the amount you had on your basket.

She eyed the container carefully as if making a suspicion. "Y/n-chan are you cosplaying or something? Why do you have so much?" You didn't really have a much variety of products on your basket for them to be used on cosplaying.

You did have a lot of concealers though. Deciding to go with what speculated, you laughed nervously. Trying to prove her right even more you commented. "Yeah, I'm trying to cosplay for a newly released anime, hehe."

She raised her eyebrow at you. "Still, isn't that a lot?" Putting your acting-mode on, you beamed, "It's fine, I'll be able to use them all!" They didn't say anything more believing you.

You weren't really going to cosplay. You're not against it but you'd rather use those concealers for everyday use. They were the only salvation you had from your abusive mother.

It was always a rare sight if your mother let you outside the house other than the reason for school. She was in a good mood because you were totally compliant with her demands for some time now.

You managed to convince her to let you have a hangout with your friends for the weekend which leads you to now.

So when you saw the store, you felt compelled to buy a buttload of concealer so you could live without needing to get to the store for the next few months. It was a good thing you saved up well.

Your school provides a blazer in your uniform but you couldn't really wear them. From all the cuts and bruises your mother gave you, your skin became sensitive and it really irritates your skin when the cloth rubs against them.

Applying the concealer every morning was your usual routine. You also had to keep one in your bag if the product accidentally comes off because of various possible reasons. You needed to be prepared.

Nobody in your class really knows about this because you were really good at masking your emotions or so you'd like to think. No one was questioning about it so all was good for now.

Every day, you'd show them your smiles and laughs, being cheerful as much as possible so they wouldn't notice how broken you are inside.

After both of you finished shopping, eating, and chatting, you bumped into Karma and Nagisa. You nudged Kayano as you knew she had the hots for the blue cinnamon roll. You called the boys over.

"Nagisa-kun, can I ask you something? WhaAt's-" You didn't finish as Kayano cut you off with her hand. She glared at you as you piped down not without wiggling your eyebrows first though.

She made some excuses to Nagisa while thinking of how to get you back. After a lot of chatting, you all decided it was time to go. Nagisa being the cute cinnamon roll, offered to carry some of your bags.

At first, Kayano thought to decline, but she got an idea. She liked Nagisa but you also liked someone in the group. Knowing this, she set her plan into action.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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