Karma x Drunk! Reader

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Enjoy the one shot! 💖 Keep safe!

Requested by: fellow_weebUwU


It was your 18th birthday, a day to celebrate you turning of legal age. Of course, the former E-class was invited even though you guys weren't classmates anymore.

You got attached to the whole bunch of them as a result of the experience of trying to kill your beloved Octopus teacher. Although you guys had successfully assassinated him and disbanded after your middle school, you still kept in touch.

Staying in Kunigigaoka, you were indifferent to your current class. It wasn't a surprise when no classmate of yours was invited. Well, in exception to your red-haired sadist.

You would never give up inviting the said guy even if you had to destroy the world. You were head over heels with him since the two first became classmates.

He had a little problematic personality but you really didn't care. You thought that he was just a little bit misunderstood and it totally wasn't his fault why he tended to resort to violence.

Back to the present, your house was on full-party mode. You had managed to convince (more like begged) your parents to have the house to yourselves.

They reluctantly agreed after you made a pact not to drink and do stupid things. HA! There was no way you were going to be able to fulfill that promise.

You did try to warn all of them about the situation because you also weren't into the fact of getting wrecked even if you were an adult now. This is the E-class we're talking about though. A lot of you were troublesome.

Maehara, for example, bought some Chocolate Bourbons. You only warned them not to bring alcohol because you didn't want to drink. He thought it'd be okay if he'd bring something to eat instead.

The guy was really getting desperate. He was already eighteen but he still hasn't found his first girlfriend. (A/n: It's because you can't see that Isogai is just there!!)

So he was just trying all devious schemes to pick up on girls. It just so happens you were the closest one. It wasn't like he was going to do something really bad, right??

He was just going to feed you some Bourbons. If you were going to be the one to pounce on him, it wouldn't be his fault, right? (A/n: BRuUH)

"H-Happy Birthday, Y/n! I have some chocolates for your present. I hope you like it!" You beamed at him and accepted his gift. "Thank you so much, Mae-kun!"

Before you could go and put it away, he stopped you. "Ah wait, don't you think you should try it first? It's really good." You raised an eyebrow at him, but wanting to be polite you opened the box.

He was the one who grabbed the chocolate and made you eat it. His actions were really weird for you but tried your best to be understanding.

Not only his actions were strange but the chocolate had a weird aftertaste too. It was kind of bitter but not really, you couldn't really put your finger on it.

Still, you didn't mind it and suspected that maybe it was just some weird flavored dark chocolate that you haven't eaten yet. You smiled at him trying to mask your distaste.

That was a really wrong move because he started to feed you more. He was practically force-feeding you. He managed to make you two more until you finally resisted. You hesitatingly swallowed the odd sweets trying not to waste food.

You didn't notice someone was watching the whole scene until they spoke up. "Ara~ Don't even try to get into her pants, Maehara kun. You wouldn't be able to handle her at all."

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