Chapter Four

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Your P.O.V-

I walk into a forest, looking like a 6 year old.

"come on little sister!" a boy yells at me, his green eyes matching his brown hair. "Yea, Y/n. Your so slow!" another boy yells, "You too Jeffrey!" the green eyed boy tells at the one with the blue eyes.

"Yes big bro!" he yells back and leaves me behind, I start running a random direction and look around.

It's dark outside and see nothing. "Lost girl?" I hear a voice. Looking behind me I saw a man. " I'm William, call me dad from now on."
I walk away with him hand in hand.


I walk downstairs hearing a voice that belongs to Ej, I see him and hear him say, "Of course I'm not in love with Y/n, psshhht who would anyways?"
Tears form my eyes as I run upstairs to the bathroom, Ej following behind me like a mad man.

"Y/N ! Get back here!!" he yells at me
Locking me in the bathroom he starts to slice me open, my screams are heard all over the mansion as my vision fades to black..


"Ej, dont worry she's okay!" is that Dr smiley? " I just wanted to make sure." a voice that sounded like ej's said.

I open my eyes and let them adjust to the bright light. I groan getting attention from the two males.

Ej smiles as he tries to hug me only for me to push him away. He tried to kill me!"stay away you monster!" I yell at him.

His eyes widen as his expression turns into a worried one, "What do you mean? I brought you here." he calmly states. What the fuck is he saying? He is a monster.

"You tried to kill me in the bathroom!"

Ej and Dr smiley look at each other then back at me with a questioning look. "what?" Ej shakes his head, " No, you tried to commit suicide!" Ej yells at me.

I punch him in the face and run away. "Liar!" I yell.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" A kid asks, around my age. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" I ask him, now that I think of. He looks like the green eyed boy from my dreams. The one who called me little sis.

"You can't remember? That's weird. Jeff couldn't either," He spoke up and out a hand on my shoulder, "I am Liu your big brother. Jeff is your younger brother." He says, I look at him trying to see him laughing at his own joke but.. Is he serious??

"Y/n, let me prove it if you don't believe it." he grabs my hand and pulls me to his room, handing me pictures.

Three kids smiling with their parents behind them. "You were 5, Jeff 3 and I was 6." he explained looking at your reaction. "But.. I don't get it.. I lived with other people." I says and he softly smiles.

"Yes look," he shows a picture of the three of us covered in dirt laughing our ass off. " I was 7, you 6 and jeff 5. The day you went missing." he says with a sad tone in his voice.

Memories fly back to about me ,Jeff and Liu. I cry. Liu takes me into his embrace whispering sweet words, "Ej didn't hurt you." I cry harder knowing that Liu wouldn't lie to me. "He loves you alot" was the last thing I hear before falling asleep.

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