Chapter Nineteen

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Your P.O.V-

Me and some other pasta's sit on the couch and I sigh, feeling very sick. I don't get it. I have been sick and puking for the whole week.

I can't be pregnant because Ej used a condom.

"Y/n, come with me, we have to talk. Now" Jeff orders me. I get up and follow Jeff outside in the big yard of the mansion. "I know why you are sick." He says and I raise an eyebrow.


He sighs litting a cigarette. "your pregnant." I stay quiet. He has to be lying! Ej used protection.

"But last time Ej and I.. Did it.. We used protection." I say and Jeff nods. "yeah. But, you were pregnant before that. Remember?" he says and I think..

Wait what?.. I.. Oh my God! The first time Ej and I did it with eachother we didn't use protection! Because we were drunk!

My eyes widen and Jeff noticed. "Abortion" he simply says and I shake my head. "No! I'm keeping it." Jeff shrugs and says, "it's your choice. But I'm not helping you take care of it" with that he walked away.

I follow soon after and walk into the kitchen. Eating some food that I found in the fridge.

Toby walks in and grabs a waffle. "hey, Je-jeff told everyone yu-you were pre-pregnant... C-can I babysit?" Toby asks. Why would Toby want to babysit?
"why?" I ask and he looks down. "I just want to feel loved again.." he says and I hug him. "okay, as soon as the baby's born you can babysit and play with it." I say and he smiles. "th-thank you, I-I-I've always k-knew y-you are a n-nice p-per-person." Toby stutter and I nod pulling back from the hug and walking into the living room, sitting in ej's lap. He hugs me and gives me a kiss on the lips. "I promise I will be a good father. And I know you will be a perfect mother" he says and I smile widely. Oh this boy, I love him so much. "but I want to take you somewhere tonight. Dress nicely. Ask Luna for some clothes if you don't have any." I nod, "I will, thanks Ej. Where are we going?" I ask and he smiles. "it's a surprise." I nod and playfully glare at him.

"better not be too fancy."

"eww of course not. I hate too fancy." he says giggling, I giggle with him and poke him on the cheek, I pokes me side and it turned out into a poke war.. Then into Jack tickling me. I laugh my ass of and he stops after awhile letting me catch my breath.

" I wouldn't want you to die. I love you so much Y/n." he says and pecks my lips."love you too, Jack."

//A/N: I know.. Short.. But yah.. Hope you enjoyed! Byee!! //

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