Chapter Fourteen

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Eyeless Jack's P.O.V-

After I left Y/n's door I walked downstairs. I don't know why but I feel like I don't deserve Y/n. I think she's starting to fall for Ben anyways but she's scared to break up with me. And to make things worse, I may have made her pregnant.

I see Y/n and Luna walking out the front door. See? She doesn't even bother to kiss me.

I watch tv for awhile, so I didn't notice the two girls going upstairs. It was supposed to be a funny movie but I didn't smile. "Okay, something's cleary wrong." Masky says and sits next to me. "What is it?" He asks I know I can trust masky with everything. So why not tell him?

"I'm gonna break up with Y/n." I say and his eyes widen while he smacks me on the head. "Because she's pregnant?" Masky asks clearly angered. "What? Well, we don't know if she's pregnant for sure. And it's not because of that anyways." i says and he nods.

"It is sure that she is pregnant. But why would you break up with her?"

My 'eyes' widen. It's sure? Did Y/n take a pregnancy test!? "I.. Don't deserve her. But I'll go talk to Y/n right now." I say and walk away, as I went to knock on her door it beatse to it. Luna walks out and pats my head. While tip toeing.

Tiny girl.

"Ej, I wanted to talk to you." Y/n says and I walk in closing the door behind me. "Me too." I say and see that she got curious.

"Oh, you go first." She says and I shake my head. "No you." I say and she shakes her head.

"Let's say it at the same time, okay?" I nod and sigh. "one, two, three!"

"I wanna break up!"
"I'm pregnant!"

Her smile fades as she heard what I've said. I feel so bad right now. But I think that she would be happier with Ben. "Oh, why?" She asks and looks down. "I don't deserve you, I don't think I can make you happy, but I think ben will." I say. She shakes her head.

"I don't want Ben." she angrily states. I sigh and went to put my hand on her shoulder but she slapped it away. "Don't fucking touch me!" She yells. "Y/-" "NO! Its because I'm pregnant, isn't it?" I shake my head. "No listen y/n. Please." She slaps me and pushes past me. She stops as evelyne stand on front of her.

She smack Y/n and I gasp. I still love Y/n and don't want her getting hurt.

"What the fuck eve?!" Y/n yells as she punched eve in the face. "In da face!" I hear ben yell while he and Luna cheers. "Hit er!" Luna yells and I look back at Y/n. The feel someone hold my hand. I see eve. "Oh, so you've been cheating in me?" She says and laugh creepily. "No. I don't know why she's holdi-" "Shut the fuck up!" She yells and kicks me in the balls. I fall to the ground while holding a hand to it.

She runs away while crying and Ben follows her, Luna comes up to me and kicks my chin making me fall backwards.

She then runs off.

Your P.O.V-

I sit on my bed crying with Ben holding me. He's such a supportive guy. Maybe Ej was right. Ben would be better for me. "Y/n, your a amazing girl. You don't need him." He quietly says while blushing. "Really?" He nods.

"I won't ever lie to you Y/n. I pro-" I smash my lips on Ben's. I feel him kiss back and I pull back.

"I love you ben." I smile at him. "I love you too." Ben says while blushing.

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