Chapter 8

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I spent the rest of the day in bed and was wondering what my life had become in just a few months. I lost my mom, dad, boyfriend, and best friend all in less than a year.

But the worst part is... I felt I had lost sense of who I was.

I decided that the only way to get myself out of this funk is if I distracted myself. So I turned the TV on and flipped through the channels. I found my favorite show, Game of Thrones, and I put it on. I flipped to what they were giving next and they were giving a marathon, from season one to season seven. I was waiting impatiently for season eight as I knew many were. So I ran quickly to the kitchen to get snacks and some drinks and ran back before I missed another minute of it.

After hours had passed and I was midway through season two I decided to take a break and then I realized that I had not seen Caleb all day. So I walked up to his room and to my surprise he's just.... there. Just watching TV. I was about to leave when I heard a familiar voice. It was..... MOM.

I turned my head around and looked at the tv and realized he was watching home movies. He was watching one that I particularly liked.

"That's when we went on a cruise to the Bahamas," he jumped as I spoke. I guess I had startled him. "Mom was still pregnant with you, see?" I said while pointing at the screen.

"She had won five tickets to that cruise and she didn't want to go 'cause she felt too big till dad convinced her. He promised her he would never leave her side," I chuckled.

"She was huge and very self-conscious. But dad always made her feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet." I sighed "and she was, wasn't she?"

He lowered his head and I saw his hands move to his eyes.

"Hey Cee don't cry. She's in a better place now. She's not hurting and she's always watching over us. I bet she's at God's side right now and they are smiling 'cause they know that what we are going through now is a passing thing. We are going to get through this, Cee, I know we will." I said as I put my arm on his shoulder and hugged him tight. He sobbed under my arms.

After we cried for a while I tried perking up the mood and said "Hey lets go out tonight. We both need something to pick us up." I said nudging him with my elbow. He shrugged and laid down facing the now blank tv.

"I want it all to end," he whispered. My heart sank I felt the same way, but for me I knew the only way to stop those bad feelings is.... distraction. So I pulled him up pushed him into the bathroom and told him to shower. Meanwhile I was doing the same thing. We got ready and jumped in the car. We drove aimlessly trying to figure out what we were going to eat. About a half hour later we decided on Friday's.

We got to our seats and ordered. And for the first time in a long while I saw him actually enjoying himself.

"So how's school going," I asked as I ate my food.

He shrugged "Same old, same old," he responded.

"Well if that kid is still messing with you don't worry it's almost over. You're graduating this year anyway so..." I said putting food in my mouth. He rolled his eyes.

"Or I could meet him and beat him up. How does that sound?" I added.

"You would," he laughed.

"How are you guys doing here? Good?" our waitress asked. We nodded our heads and she started to walk off when I said "Oh actually can we have the check please?"

She nodded and walked off.

I got my wallet out and put the money and the tip on the table and we got up to leave. I had one foot out the door when I felt a hand on my arm.

I turned to meet the person grabbing me and realized it was Tyler. I felt my face get all red. I rolled my eyes, snatched my arm from his grasp and without a word to him I walked out.

I heard him cry out my name and when I didn't pay attention, I guess he ran after me because the next thing I heard was quick footsteps coming after me.

He grabbed my hand again and I turned "Let me go," I demanded.

"Can we just talk?" he asked.

"No, I'm done talking to you. I don't ever want to see you or that traitor ever again. You understand?" I yelled.

"No you have to understand, baby we were dr-" I cut him off.

"I don't care!!" I yelled. "And don't you dare call me that! You have no right to call me that! You lost that privilege when I saw you with that... that... that hoe!" I was about to continue but then processed what I said. It shook me to call her that or to even think of her like that, but she hurt me and so did he. They were both so selfish they knew what I was going through and they still thought selfishly. And I thought they would never do something like that. Some friends I have.

"I want you to leave me alone don't call or text. Don't even ask other people about me." I told him.

With that I walked away. When I got to my car and I saw Caleb sitting inside, I smiled a bit. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Kathy.

"Hi,"she said.

"Hey," I responded.

"I couldn't help but see what happened," she said quietly. "You know it was partly my fault you found out the way you did," she said.

"What do you mean? You just told me where they were," I said. "And to be honest I'm glad you did. I mean it's not like you did it intentionally-"

"But I did." she blurted out.

"What do you mean?" I asked half confused, but also fearing what I thought she was going to say.

"I sent you up there because I knew what they were doing. I didn't do it to hurt you I just didn't want them wasting your time you know. And ok maybe I was acting on past feelings a little, but still I mean it was never to hurt you."

I was speechless. I stared at her for the longest time and I could tell she was getting fidgety.

"Get in the car," I told her.

She looked at me and the confusion was plain on her face. "Get in the car," I repeated.

She obeyed and the ride to my house was silent my brother would look out the window, at Kathy, then at me and then out the window again. He was just as confused as she was.

Once we got to my house we entered and I told her to sit at the table and I sent Caleb to get ready for bed.

"Start from the beginning," I told her.

"Start from the beginning," I told her

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