Chapter 11

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"Elizabeth, to what do I owe the honor," Principal Madison said with a creepy smile on his face.

For a split second I thought about turning around and leaving. And I'm pretty sure he saw the insecurity in my eyes. But I stood my ground.

"I want to know why my little brother was in a fight just now and there were no teachers around to stop it," I said in the most confident voice I could muster.

He eyed me up and down as if he was aware of my false confidence. Ever since I was younger he was able to see right through me.

"Have a seat sweetheart," he said gesturing to the chair in front of him.

"I'm not here to catch up. I'm here to know why my brother has told you numerous times he has been bullied by this one kid and you have not done anything!" I yelled. "And not only that but in not doing anything you have allowed a fight to ensue," I finished.

I stared into his cold blue eyes. Those same blue eyes that have haunted my dreams for most of my life. He stood up to his full height of 6'8". He walked over to me and backed me up into the wall and came close to my ear and whispered, "You better watch the way you speak to me little girl." His words caused shivers to run down my spine. And for a moment I felt the tears about to come down but I forced it back in and shoved him back.

"I am not a little girl anymore. You have no power over me and you WILL NOT bully me anymore. And if you think that through my brother you can control me. You are very mistaken. I send my brother here to learn, not to fight," I explained.

The smirk he had never left his face. I hated the way he looked at me. As if I was a piece of meat he was ready to devour.

When he failed to say anything I turned and left the room. I ran down the stairs and to the car.

Once in the car I looked in the rear view mirror to see Caleb's bloody body laying down in the back. He seemed to be asleep.

"So now what?" Benjamin asked.

"I'm sorry we cant go to your place I have to..." I trailed off pointing at Caleb with my thumb.

He nodded his head, "It's fine. Just let me know when you can. Or we can go to your house. Like after you get Caleb situated then we could do the project."

I guess he sensed my uneasiness because then he added, "Unless you don't want to. I get it. Today was alittle hectic."

"No, no it's ok you can come over. I dont mind," he smiled at my response.

"Alright. Cool," he said. We stayed in silence until we got to my house.

He pulled into the driveway and when the car came to a stop I got out and helped Caleb out and into the house. He was barely able to stand nevermind walk. I guess Benjamin saw me struggling and he helped me take Caleb to the bathroom.

When I sat Caleb on the toilet I turned to Benjamin who was standing in the doorway.

"Can you get me the stool that's outside please," I asked.

"Yeah sure," he replied.

He came back minutes later with the stool. "Here."

I grabbed the stool from him and put it in the tub. And took Caleb's clothes off and sat him on the stool. I cleaned him up and when I put a fresh set of clothes on him I proceeded to tend to his wounds. Then put him to bed.

"Alright. He's in bed resting," I sighed while falling onto the couch next to Benjamin.

"He's ok though right?" he asked worried.

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