Chapter 39

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Madison's POV

It's been three weeks. Three weeks and she hasn't woken up. I explained everything to her dad. He's on a need to know basis, and all he needs to know is that she was kidnapped and I helped the cops find her. But he got lose when we tried to arrest him and tried to kill her.

When we told him he went crazy, the doctors had to sedate him because he wouldn't calm down otherwise. I know it would be best to tell him the whole truth, but after what we did tell him, and after he calmed down from his rampage he spiraled downhill. I'm just affraid the whole truth might make his spiral worse.

"How is she?"

Without looking at who it was I answered, "Same as yesterday, same as the last three weeks."

"She's strong I know she'll make it," it was Kathy. She was on the other side of the bed looking down at my angel.

"Yeah I know," but the truth is... I didn't.

I mean, not that I don't have faith that she'll get through this, but...

"Here," she handed me a paper bag with food inside. She has been bringing me food ever since this happened. I haven't left her side.

"It's Burger King. I know it's nothing fancy bu-"

I cut her off, "You say that every time you bring me food. Thank you. I appreciate it." She smiled at me then looked at Lizzie. Even though I have dozens of people at my disposal to bring me food, she always brought me food. Whether I already had some or not.

"You should really go home. I'll stay with her and if anything happens I'll call you," she suggested.

I shook my head, "Thanks but no. I want to be here if anything," I said with my mouth full of burger.

"Why do you always bring me food?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I don't know. You're surrounded by our family and friends and they already don't look highly on you maybe I just thought you needed a friend," she explained.

I nodded slowly.

It was sweet that she thought that way but in the environment I grew up in I'm used to being alone. Or not having a friend.

"And I know you're a tough guy and  judging by all that has happened your lifestyle is kinda dangerous but still... everyone needs a friend," she smiled.

She's smart.

"I know what you did... You know to Lizzie..." she said.

"When she was younger."

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to control my breathing. I knew this was coming. Sooner or later it was going to come up.

"Im not proud of it," I said my voice shaking.

"Why did you do it?" She asked.

"When you grow up in a world like mine... you grow up with no empathy for anything or anyone," I explained. "And as I got older that scared me. I thought... if I can't feel for anyone then what's the point of having a life. So I left the family business and created a fake identity and landed a job as the principal of the school. But I couldn't escape who I was raised to be. Having no empathy for anyone made it easy for me to do that to her. But as I continued 'growing' so to speak as a principal I became human I guess. And now I feel for my kids. And would do anything to protect them. And I regret what I did to her everyday that goes by and wish to go back and undo all of that," I broke down, I was crying.

I buried my face in the sheets covering her small body and sobbed.

Kathy had come over to me and put her hands on my shoulders that were moving up and down as I wept.

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