Chapter 6

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"Hey!" yelled Alana from across the hall. She was pushing her was through the sea of students trying to get to me.

"Hey," she repeated when she got to me. She gave me a hug and leaned against the locker next to mine.

"So I have an idea. And before you shoot me down. I wanted to know if you would like to go with me to Mae's party." I could see she the anticipation in her eyes as she waited for me to answer.

"No." I said bluntly.

"Come on it'll be fun." she pleaded.

"Last time I went to a party someone broke into my house and killed my mom." I retorted still feeling the pain of that day.

She was trying to lighten the mood when she said "But if you stay at home he might get you and then you would leave me alone in this hell hole."

"Well maybe if he comes after me he would actually kill me and put me out of my misery." I said plainly.

She looked at me with hurt in her eyes and then looked to the ground. I could see that I made things awkward. But that was the way I felt.

"You know a lot of people care about you. And comments like that is what scares me the most. Tyler and I want to help, but you shut us out. And sometimes I really fear that your grief will drive you to do something that -"

I cut her off "What like kill myself?"

She looked at me with watery eyes. She really did want to help, and so did Tyler, but I just don't know how to let people in when I'm hurting.

"Look I'm not going to kill myself, O.K.? You don't just get over something like this so quickly it takes a lot of time. I just need some more time before I'm all happy and bubbly again." I said to placate the situation. She and Tyler have been waiting for months for me to get better but the thought of my mom brings me as much pain now as it did when it first happened. "I'm just not ready," I whispered.

When school was over Tyler drove me home and for the first time in months I let him come in, but warned him to be quiet so we would attract my dad's attention if he was home.

I made him stand at the door while I checked the house. I entered the kitchen and saw a note. My heart almost stopped. Then I read it.

Tyler saw me and rushed over. He grabbed the note and read aloud:

Dear Lizzie,
I can't do this anymore. Living without your mom has been the most unbearable thing in this world. And I thought that if I drank myself into a stupor it would numb the pain but I only ended up hurting you and Caleb so here's goodbye and just know that I'm doing this because I love you guys. I always have. I left some money in the bank. Use it wisely and I know you will cause you've always had you head in the right place. I want to thank you for putting up with me for this long. But it's time for me to bow out.
          Love, Dad.

I started to cry. I didn't know what this letter meant. And I just found myself crying, but the strange thing was I didn't know for what. Was it because maybe he committed suicide and he was gone forever. Or maybe because he left and I was going to miss him. Or maybe it was because now all the responsibility was on me.

Tyler knelt down next to me and held me close. I was glad for his comfort, I was glad to see that me pushing him away for so long didn't keep him from being there for me.

The next morning was Saturday and I went to the bank and asked the teller to give me all the information on the bank account.

"O.K. let's see. Ah yes Frank Meyers. As a matter of fact he came yesterday and deposited some money," he said.

"How much," I asked.

"Seven hundred thousand dollars," he whispered.

I was speechless. My dad left me that much money. It's not as much as we would need to live comfortably but it was enough to pay the bills. And if I got a job it would help a little more. I mean I know he wanted to help but I was going to have to make some sacrifices and changes in our lives.

 I mean I know he wanted to help but I was going to have to make some sacrifices and changes in our lives

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Sorry for another short chapter.

But I hope you guys still enjoyed it.

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