Chapter 20

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I woke up to a loud bang. Then realized it was the sound of the front door closing.

I untangled myself from a sleeping Benjamin and walked up to Caleb. He looked like he hadn't slept all night.

"What happened to you?" I asked trying to hold in my laughter. He did look a little ridiculous.

He sighed, "Stupid John is going on a stupid vacation for stupid summer and I'm stuck here."

I raised my eyebrow, "First of all language. And second if you wanted to go somewhere or do something why didn't you say so. We can go out. I don't mind just sitting at home but if you wanted to go somewhere, and we can, I'd be more than happy to take you," I told him.

He just hung his head and sighed.

"Is there something else bothering you?" I asked, sensing that the vacationing was not the whole problem.

He shook his head, "No," and with that he went upstairs.

I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong, but then I decided to give him some space for now and talk with him later.

For now I have to get the  living-room cleaned up. But first I had to brush my teeth. Once I finished I went to the living-room.

As I stacked the numerous bowls, that we used last night, up I hear the doorbell ring.

I place the bowls in the sink and headed over to the door.

"What are you doing hear?" I asked surprised.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"Tyler, there really isn't anything that needs to be said." I told him, pushing him out of the door frame, and closing the door behind me.

"Look. What happened between me and Alana was a mistake," he said.

"But you were like catatonic. Like a walking zombie just buried in your grief and I wanted to be there for you but you wouldn't let me. So I turned to Alana. And she actually let me you know. And you never did so..." he trailed off.

I rolled my eyes at him. This is so typical of Tyler trying to justify what he did.

"So because I was mourning my mother. And respected myself enough to not let you take my virginity you decide that's a good enough reason to cheat on me. Is that what you're saying?"


"You know what Tyler. People mourn in different ways for different periods of time. If you had just waited a little longer you could have seen me get back up, from the 'catatonic state' I was in," I told him, with quotations.

"I'm perfectly fine now. And I'm actually enjoying life right now. All I needed was time." I said.

"Please just give me one more chance I promise I'll never do that again. I'll be faithful to you. I don't even like Alana that way it was just pent up frustration that needed to come out," he was already getting agitated.

I shook my head, and that made him angry so he grabbed me and I was trying to fight him off, but he wouldn't let go and then he kissed me.

Then I heard the door open behind me. And before I new it Benjamin pulled me away and pushed Tyler off the porch. Luckily the porch is only three small steps from the floor so it wasn't too bad of a fall.

"You got a problem man?" Benjamin yelled.

Tyler stood up and dusted himself off.

"Benjy just come inside, just lea-" he cut me off.

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