1) Engaged to a Jerkface...and I have no say in it!

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Picture of Tori...


"What. The. Hell." I was sure I heard wrong. As bitchy as my mother was, there was no freaking way she just said that!

"I'm sorry, Hun. But that doesn't change a thing. You're getting married...and that's final. Now go pack your stuff. You'll be leaving tonight. And make sure you put on a nice dress, because they're coming over for dinner!" My mother said what?!

"Damn it! I have to marry a freaking stranger because you lost a bet!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. I just couldn't believe it!

"I know, Honey. Okay, I admit it, I was foolish back then," like that totally changes things, "But a deal's a deal. Now go pack!"

"Fine." I huffed as I rushed to my bedroom. I don't want to see her face ever again! She just sighs and busies herself in the kitchen. Screw her, she doesn't have to worry about marrying a stranger or something like that.

Ugh, why me? I just turned 17 and my world or teenage is about to end? My mother above all mothers, had to make a bet that she couldn't pay off so I had to marry a total stranger? This is not freaking happening to me...

As soon as I reach my room and flop on my bed, I call Alice, my best friend in this whole demented world. She answers on the first ring.


"It's me, Tori. I have some bad news..."

"OMG! You're pregnant, right?"

"EW, Ali! Definitely not! I'm a freaking virgin, alright?"

"Oh...then what?"

"Get your ass over here and I'll explain."

"Okay, okay. No need to swear, I'm on my way. Bye."

"Bye," I say as I snap my phone shut. I suddenly have an urge to chuck it against the wall, but think better of it. It is my only phone after all.

As I wait for Alice, I dump my all my clothes onto the ground and start sorting them into two piles. One to take with me and one to leave behind. All my clothes have one thing in common. They're all black. No, I'm not emo or anything (like those retards at school think), I just love the color black! Even my hair is dyed jet black!

The doorbell rings, which means Alice is here. But I don't want to see my shitty mother's face, so I stay upstairs. Mom answers the door and I can hear Alice stomping up the stairs. She barges through my room and gasps at the black mess on my floor. I'm usually a very neat person.

"Eh my gawd! Are you guys having a garage sale?" There's one thing you should know about Alice and that's that she guesses on everything if she has an opportunity to.

"Ugh, hell no! Do you have a singe idea what I'm doing?

"Um...cleaning? Sorting?" Well, she is pretty close.

"NO! I'm packing!!!

"For a vacation? Where?"

"Arg, NO, Alice! I'm moving!" There, that ought to catch her attention.

"What?! No freaking way!" Alice's eyes grow wide.

"Do you think that's my fault? No way! It's not my fault that my bitch of a mother lost a bet and forfeited her only daughter. Not my fault that I'm getting married in 7 months to a total stranger! Not my fault that this is an arranged marriage! An arranged marriage! I have no freaking say in this thing! Where are my rights? GONE, that's where! Do you think I want to move in with a dude I don't know the hell about?"

Alice's jaw drops. At least she got it now. "Wow...OMG! You're getting married? Like in 7 months? At age 17? Oh, Tori!" She reaches over and hugs me while fresh hot tears flow down my cheeks. "Are you meeting them today?" I nod. "Well, we better get you dressed and stuff, alright, Hun?" I nod again too tired to speak. At least Alice was trying to make an effort to cheer me up. She squeals and rushes into my closet. I sigh, as she starts pulling random black dresses off their hangers and throwing them over her shoulders. Alice has just about as much energy as Alice Cullen from Twilight, but believe me, they don't have any further similarities other than that. Alice has blond hair with black streaks in them. Today she has it slightly curled and tossed into a loose, messy bun. Her big blue eyes are framed with long black eyelashes and bold black eyeliner. Yeah, her favorite color is black as well! We are so alike in many ways!

When she's done rummaging through my dresses, she makes me try on every single one of them. Not even kidding and there was probably about 20 dresses! She finally found one that satisfied her fashion sense. It was black, of course. It was a v-neck that tied together at the back of the neck. It reached down to my knees. There were little slits that ran up my leg about 3 inches, which made it more comfortable to move in. I had to admit it looked pretty good. It showed all my curves, and made my dark hair stand out.

I sat down, and let Alice work on my make-up and hair, while I relaxed. It was my last day with my best friend in my own house and I wasn't going to let that slip away.

Engaged to a Jerkface...and I have no say in it! [ON HIATUS--may be deleted]Where stories live. Discover now