2) Engaged to a Jerkface...and I have no say in it!

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Picture of Jake...


Finally, Alice squealed, indicating that she was finished. I leaped up from the padded chair, and waltzed to my full-length mirror. Alice was jumping up and down (with her endless energy), making some finishing touches with some powdered blush and a few bobby pins. I stopped in front of the mirror and was speechless.

There was a beautiful girl in front of me. One with black hair curled ever so slightly, giving it a little wave. It was held half up half down, with a silver butterfly pin. Her gray eyes were drawn with black eye liner and brimmed with luscious, black lashes. The lips were shiny with gloss so they looked puffier and fuller. The dress made her body look stunning and her silver flats and hoop earrings pulled the outfit together perfectly.

I moved my hand across the mirror as an experiment. My mirror image copied me. So this was me! Alice was finally silent, waiting for me to speak.

"Alice! This is so awesome! You're the best!" I exclaimed with much effort. She just smiled and shrugged.

"It's a wonder what I can do with my hands. Well, I better leave now. Mom wants me back before 4! Have a nice dinner with your fiancé!" I rolled my eyes and she punched me lightly in the shoulder. Then, she stood up and headed for the door. And then stopped waiting for me to follow. She looked at me questionly with I didn't stand up. I shook my head.

"Sorry, Alice. I would walk you to your car, but my mother is down there and I don't really want to see her bitchy face right now!" I gave her my best 'I apologize for the inconvenience' face. She sighed, but walked down the stairs by herself. That's all right, knowing Alice she'll probably forget all about this in about 10 minutes. I glance at the mirror again and bop my head, watching my normally stick-straight hair swish around in waves.

I don't know how long I stood there. I zone out a lot. But I was pulled out of my reverie when the bell rang. I looked outside my bedroom window and saw a sleek, black limousine. Ooh, pricey! Definitely not Alice, she drives an old, crappy slug bug. My gaze drifts back to the limo. Wait, that means my husband-to-be is already here! Yay me-note the sarcasm.

I stomp down the stairs, leaping on the third to last step and landing with full balance. Wow! I actually landed on my feet for once! I usually fall over or land on my butt. I'm a terrible klutz after all. I run into the dining room where my bitchy mother is already seated. I barely glance her way. It's her own fault that I got stuck in this stupid arranged marriage in the first place! Instead my gaze falls onto the hottest guy I've ever seen. Seriously, he was tanned, dirty blond hair, and a preppy. A total god in a T-shirt and shorts. Wait! T-shirt and shorts? And what do I wear? A dress, that's what!!

He catches me staring, smirks and eye-rapes me. Ew! I can tell by the way he's looking at my body. Gross! Talk about perv! Did I say he's hot? Forget it...he's a jerkface (that's hot, but pretend I didn't think that). A jerkface who's a player. I roll my eyes and his smirk deepens. Ugh, jerk alert. I can't believe I'm marrying this retard! But it could've been worse. He could've been ugly. Better ugly then preppy. And this guy was a total preppy. I'll call him Mr. Preppy from now on. He's wearing full Abercrombie shirt and shorts. I'm past those stores ages ago. You basically just bust $20 on a shirt that your going to wear once and then it'll shrink in the washer. At least that's what happened to me and I swore never to walk in one of those stores ever again.

My mother...I mean the bitch cleared her throat, bringing me back to reality. Stinking reality.

"This is my daughter Victoria." Arg! I hate my full name. It sounds so girly! I grimace, but stick out my hand to Mr. Preppy's parents.

"I go my Tori, actually," I say as I shake his parents' hands. My mother's big smile falters a little, before she can correct it. Ha, mother!

"Hello Tori. I'm Mr. Sanders, but just call me Richie."

"I'm Morgan Sanders. It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" Well, at least Mr. Preppy's parents seemed nice. "And this is our son Jake." So...Mr. Preppy's name is Jake? It suits him pretty well, since all 'Jake's are prepsters. Jakes that I've met anyways. Jake sticks out his hand and smiles, revealing bleach white teeth. I smile in return, but am scared to touch his hand. He's probably carrying STDs on that hand. Gross! I make a face in my head and shake his hand. Relieved when he lets go, I make a mental note to wash my hand thoroughly later.

"Dinner is served. Tori, you sit next to Jake so you guys can get to know each other." *Gag*! But I do as I'm told, because I don't really want to fight with my mom in front of these people. As soon as I sit down, Jake moves his hand to my legs. I sit on the very edge of my chair so he can't. I don't really want people groping my leg while I eat. He keeps trying though, and it's really getting on my nerves!

"Dude, quit trying to grope my leg!" I whisper/yell. He just grins. Ugh, jerk!

"Just getting to know my wife's body parts."

"Well, you're not going to do it here!"

"As in, we're going to do it later?"

"Why the hell are you making this so difficult?"

"Because I am difficult."

Arg! This guy is so retarded! I really want to punch his face inside out! So that's what I do.

"OW! What the hell was that for, Tori?" Wow, this guy was stupid. He didn't even know why I punched him?

"Next time I tell you to get your freaking hands off me, you do as you're told!" He just groans and faces away from me. Yay! I get to eat my dinner in peace, finally. The parents didn't even notice, they're too busy chatting about the wedding plans. J

Engaged to a Jerkface...and I have no say in it! [ON HIATUS--may be deleted]Where stories live. Discover now