12) Engaged to a Jerkface...and I have no say in it!

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Picture of Brita's equally bitchy twin: Naomi...


My world fell, right there and then. This was my mother, the one who had sold me into an arranged marriage…the one that had held me when father died, the one that kissed my tears away when I fell off my bike, the one that had lived to her potential to raise me as a single mother for as long as she could. Deep inside, I knew I couldn’t hate her. She was my mother, for god’s sake!

Now my fury turned to God. He had taken away my father. Had he come to take my mother away from me as well? Did he want me to be miserable and parentless? Was that it? Had I done something so bad, that I deserved a severe punishment and this was it?

I stood still for who knows how long. Long enough, however, to draw attention from Cole. He walked into the kitchen, after a few minutes of silence.

“What’s wrong, Tori? Bob just fought the blond Russian dude with a chair at that Chinese restaurant,” He attempted to make me crack a smile. Not likely. I slowly unfroze from my rigid position. He looked at my cold, dazed face and his smile etched off his face. “Tori? Victoria? Look at me,” He grabbed my chin and made me turn to face him, “Tell me, who was on the phone?” I couldn’t speak, my throat had clogged up. Tears burned around my eyes as I tried to hold them back.

“Cole…” I started, but broke down as warm tears exploded from my eyes and dribbled down my cheeks, “It was the hospital. Mom’s been in an accident.” He looked astonished for a moment, and then raced to get his keys.

“What the hell Tori? Why didn’t you say so? Let’s go and see her!” God bless him. I hurried after him, before remembering Jake. I’d have to tell him, since he would wonder where I am if I wasn’t back by nightfall.

“One sec, Cole! I have to tell Jake!” I yelled over my shoulder as I raced up the stairs 3 at a time. I quickly grasped the doorknob of our room and turned it. Damn it, it was locked! I knocked the door loudly. There was a thump of a solid object hitting the floor and a groan that followed. If I weren’t in such a bad circumstance, I might have laughed.

Jake opened the door in only his boxers. He was sweating and Naomi was breathing heavily on the bed behind him. I curled my upper lip in disgust but held back any revolting comments.

“Jake, my mom’s at the hospital and I have to go see her. Cole’s taking me, but I thought you should be informed in case I don’t make it back tonight.” I said this fast, then whipped around to run back downstairs. I was in mid-step when Jake called after me.

“Wait, Tori! The hospital? What happened? Wait for me! I’ve just got to put on a shirt and pants. I’ll be right down. Tell your boyfriend to go home. I’ll drive you!” The last thing I heard before I flew down the stairs was him rummaging for clothing. And Naomi, who was pouting madly, like a little girl who had her lollipop taken away, was puffing like a mad cat.

Engaged to a Jerkface...and I have no say in it! [ON HIATUS--may be deleted]Where stories live. Discover now