Valence City

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My home is Valence City, an industrial utopia filled with tons of citizens, all of which happen to be animals. There's so much to do in this vast city, go to a museum and learn about our history, take a stroll in the park and appreciate nature, or join in one of the latest and greatest events in our city, Giantess Fighting!!

Now you're probably thinking a ton of thoughts right now "Why are they fighting?" "Why only giantess's?" "Can I masturbate to this?"

Well, it's a long story. It all began a few years back, 15 years to be exact, where scientists had accidentally created some sort of supergrowth drug. When exposed to men it had no effect, but to women it caused them to grow not only in size, but in muscle mass, and it even gives them huge asses and boobs, as if they weren't big enough on a giant already. Now then, some rich pervert decided to capitalize on this and created the Giantess Fight arenas, massive simulations where the giant women can fight it out, slamming into buildings, mountains, trees, and even throwing houses at each other, of course they're simulated so even though they can interact with them, they're not real.

When fights first came around it got tons of mixed responses, everyone from angry mothers to horny men and daring women have their input towards these fights. I personally think they're awesome, watching two people duke it out in an all out brawl, or even seeing up to four fighters at once in arenas, it's such a good time.

Now I should mention that there is a slight downside to all of this, the excessive use of the supergrowth drug does tend to carry over after they've shrunken down, as multiple women who've participated in these fights have reported becoming taller, getting bigger boobs, growing stronger, etc. I mean, you just need to look at the reigning champ Orcal to see what I mean. Six straight years of being champion, fighting at least fifty fights each year have changed her so much. She first started as a scrawny grey and brown tabby cat, but nowadays she's an eight foot behemoth. Her own muscles could crush my head, and I don't even know how she walks around, not only does she have red hair covering her face, but her tits are bigger than my car! And her ass might as well be a water bed. She's brutal in battle, she doesn't want to let anyone beat her and steal her place. She's willing to fight a hundred women at once to keep her title.

And then there's me. My name is Jordan, I'm a mechanic at my own workshop where I build and repair vehicle engines for a living. It pays well so I'm not having to live on noodles. I'm just an average sized Komodo dragon, I don't have a lot of friends, in fact almost everyone calls me Nerd because that's what I am, but it's since then became my nickname. It's always been my dream to enter the Giantess Fights and throw down with the other fighters, but there's just one major problem with that.

I'm a dude.

Now granted, I have noticed my hips do make me look like a girl, and my lack of boobs doesn't matter since no female lizard has any visible boobs no matter how big. I've been mistaken for a girl, but I'm not, and that kinda sucks, because that means I could never enter the fights, and I'm not willing to go through a sex change.

But I'm not one to give up, quite the contrary, because I've been cooking up a plan to get in for many years, and tomorrow's the big day where I show Valence City and the world what I can do. But in the meantime, this boat engine isn't gonna fix itself, and this pelican looks impatient.

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