Heavyweight Smackdown Pt: 1

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It was two weeks after I had won my match and met Katelyn. Since then things have been busier than ever. She's taken me clothes shopping so now I had pairs of girls clothing stuffed into my closet, and she regularly takes me to the gym to workout; I don't know why though considering my strength doesn't even matter when I'm in Red Danger.

But today was the beginning of the Giantess Tournament, and I couldn't be late. I had gotten into Red Danger and carried Katelyn all the way to the Metroplexus Stadium. I set Red Danger aside and got out, where we were then escorted to the fighter's lounge. Including me there were 128 total fighters, which meant I had to survive seven total rounds if I wanted to fight the champion. The other contestants looked at me and I gulped, I tensed up a bit as I walked in, swaying my hips as I was told. I had on a yellow sweater with a skirt and black leggings underneath, and a pair of compression shorts under than to try and mask my bulge. She had also done my makeup, adding eyeshadow to seal the deal that I was a girl.

I sat down as far away from everyone as possible, but I was still drawing attention. Eventually a tall, slender cougar came up to me, she had on what I could only describe as a wrestling leotard that men wore, meaning her bust, what little she had, was exposed. She sat next to me "You must be Jackie, the pilot of Red Danger, I'm Evelyn, it's nice to meet you" she said, she was the nicest person here so far.

I have her a warm smile and went into my girl voice "It's nice to meet you too! Say, not to offend you but, you seem kinda small compared to everyone else, are you new at this?" I asked curiously, I had a feeling she could kick my ass any day, but I still wanted to know.

She nodded in response to my question "I only recently began Giantess Fighting, so I haven't been bulked up like the others, but I believe I can use my slenderness to my advantage" she said.

"And you're a cougar so I bet you got speed too! I hope we get to fight each other, you seem like you'll be a tough nut to crack!"

She blushed a bit and let out a giggle "Oh you're too kind, I'll be sure to cheer you on" she said.

I smiled and nodded, already I was making friends, but I could tell that I was making even more enemies. I was getting stares from many women, some even straight up made death gestures. I was royally fucked if I wasn't careful.

Just then the announcer came in. He was a slender jackal in a purple and blue suit with a stylish top hat. He looked at all of us and gave a crooked grin "Good afternoon ladies! I hope you're all ready for a full day of fighting!! Anyways we need you all to enter the arena so we may commence the beginning ceremonies" he said as he held the door open.

All of the contestants began walking out, I decided to wait and walk out last after Evelyn. We were led down a huge corridor towards the open stadium. There was a massive circular stone slab in the middle where we all stood and waved at everyone in the crowd. It was amazing how many people were there to cheer for every single one of us.

The announcer got into his booth and grabbed the mic "Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the Giantess Grand Tournament!!!"

The crowd exploded with cheer and applause.

"Aaaaaaalrrrright!! Before we commence this glorious event, let's have a word from our champion! So give a big round of applause to the Mistress of Mayhem, the Cat of Calamity, the Lady of, uh, Legs! Oooooooorcaaaaaaaal!!"

The crowd cheered as Orcal entered the stadium. I've only ever seen her on tv, so seeing her in person was so exciting, yet also terrifying. She stomped onto the stone slab, her massive tits bouncing around with each step she took. She grabbed the mic into the center and spoke "Hey there Giantess Fight fans! As you're all aware, all these women are here for a chance to fight me! Will they beat me? Probably not, but let's hope they do their best! And enjoy the show!!" She exclaimed. The crowd cheered for her as she did a full turn to wave at everyone. When she got to me I could see her sneer, but I just shrugged it off and kept waving happily.

We were all escorted off the slab into a nearby lounge area. Orcal's manager came in with news "Alright ladies listen up, since there's so many of you, today we will be running two matches at once to speed things up and prevent everyone from staying too long. Once the tournament bracket is set up, we'll call you out for your fights. Until then you can relax and take your potty breaks as you please" she said before turning around and leaving.

Since we still had some time before the first few fights, I decided to explore the inside of the stadium for a bit, something I never really got to do.

I was walking down a large hallway that led to a trophy room where I saw pictures of past champions and fighters along with trophies and medals won by those same fighters. And of course, the one who had those most pictures was Orcal, having a massive one of her posing right on the wall. As I looked at her pictures I just had to wonder how she's remained undefeated for six whole years. I mean, I know she's big and strong, the fact that no one else could beat her is kind of absurd.

As I was just about to walk out I felt my shoulder get grabbed. I was forcibly turned around and met with giant boobs, but looking up I noticed those boobs were attached to Orcal, and she did not look happy.

"Oh! Uh hey Orcal, nice to meet you" I said as kindly as I could.

She hissed at me "Shut it flatty! I don't know who you think you are, but you're not gonna steal my spotlight!! If you know what's good for you, you'll stay out of this tournament and go home" she said in a threatening tone.

I gulped "H-hey listen, I'm not trying to take your thunder! I just wanna have fun!"

She grabbed my sweater and lifted me high with just one hand "If you make it to the finals you will regret it, because I will make sure Red Danger never fights again!" She raised her other hand to strike me with her claws, but she was held back by something.

Or, someone, as I saw Katelyn holding her by the wrist with the most serious expression I've seen her have "Hands off my client bitch, or I'll make you suffer" she said with a growl.

Orcal smirked and let me drop, turning to face Katelyn "Well well well, little Katelyn. I still remember the time I beat you so bad you quit fighting altogether! You come to save your little girlfriend?" She teased.

Katelyn growled again "Listen here you bimbo, not only is Jackie gonna make it to the finals, but she's gonna teach you some fucking respect" she said as she got closer, their boobs pressed against each other.

Orcal just laughed "Oh really?? Fine by me! But when Jackie here loses, you have to move out of the city!!"

"Deal" Katelyn said without blinking an eye.

Orcal grinned and walked out of the room. I got up and wiped the dirt off of me "Thanks for the save Kate..I would've become a scratching post if you didn't come in"

Katelyn nodded "Yea..I'm sorry you had to see that..."

"Well, I think it's a good thing I did see that. Now I really know why you want revenge on her, she's a total bitch. Don't you worry, I'll teach her not to mess with us!" I said triumphantly.

She looked at me and smiled, giving me a noogie "You're such a dweeb. Now come on, the tournament's already started and you're the next battle"

I nodded and followed her back to the lounge, watching the two fights unfold in front of us. I checked the bracket and saw Evelyn was way far from my position. If I did want to fight her we'd both have to make it to the finals. As much as I want her to win, I know I have to beat her to get to Orcal.

After the first two fights, I was next up. I walked out with the other three fighters and hooked myself up to Red Danger. I walked into my half of the stadium and waited for my opponent.

There in front of me was a panda. After being injected she began to grow to Red Danger's size, but her bulk made her look much bigger. She wore a sumo outfit which could barely contain her massive gut, and her boobs were practically spilling out of her bra. She stomped the ground and roared as she got into a stance. Her stomps shook the ground and I nearly lost balance. Once I regained composure I too got in a fighting stance.

The bell rang and in no time she had already charged and pinned me down. I was stuck under her weight already. This wasn't looking good, I worried I might fail at the first hurdle. What do I do?!

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