Savanha Smackdown Pt: 2

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Now back to me; I was in the midst of being drop kicked straight through a building into the barrier that protects the audience from being squished by us. I looked back at Natalie who was panting heavily, I had managed to give her a black eye after I countered her neck swing with a punch.

I was in pretty bad shape too, Red Danger's left arm was almost completely busted, and sparks were coming out of the neck. I was covered in scratches and dents, but I wasn't planning on giving up just yet.

In some sort of final move of desperation, I charged straight at her and then dropped into a slide right between her legs, appearing behind her. As I slid I managed to grab her ankle and pull it with me, causing her to smack her head on the ground. Then, I lifted her straight up, over Red Danger, and smacked her down into the ground.

She was barely conscious after that collision, she raised up a hand to try and get up, but immediately it dropped as she passed out on the ground.

That's when the announcer came on "Ladies and gentlemen, once again Red Danger has made it to the next round of the tournament! It was such a close match I must say, so be sure to congratulate both Jackie and Natalie for a great battle!"

I looked around and raised my fist in the air for the crowd, they all erupted with cheer for not just me, but for Natalie as well. I looked down at her and smiled, deep down I know she deserved to win more than me, but at the same time I still have to make sure I get to Orcal.

After medics shrunk and carried away Natalie, I set aside Red Danger and went back to the lounge. As soon as I stepped foot inside the lounge I was immediately ambushed by a cluster of hugging and boobs in my face, thank goodness I'm wearing a skirt again.

Katelyn, Evelyn, and Shiela were all hugging me and congratulating me on a good match, I was so flustered and happy that I didn't even know how to respond to them giving me a million compliments and questions at once.

"Oi! Ya did great mate! Congrats!" Shiela exclaimed.

"I knew you could do it" Evelyn said with a smile.

"I never doubted ya for a second!" Katelyn said as she rubbed my head roughly.

I smiled and hugged them tightly "Thanks guys, I gotta admit I was pretty scared I would lose. Red Danger took some major blows, so I'm gonna head out to start fixing them, tell me how your matches go though, and good luck!" I ran back to Red Danger.

But, as soon as I ran out of the lounge I nearly rammed right into Mr. Warrence, who was being accompanied by Orcal. I stopped and caught my breath "M-Mr. Warrence! Sorry for nearly bumping into you, I was just on my way to go repair my mech" I said, I was a bit nervous, not only because he owned the place, but because Orcal was giving me a nasty look.

He simply laughed and gave me a warm smile "No need to apologize Jackie. And congratulations on winning, I must say, you are such a creative fighter. I know I shouldn't really be saying this, but I hope you make it to the finals with Orcal" he said.

Orcal did not react well to that statement "Seriously?? Don't you think she's fucking cheating using a giant metal robot against just regular women?"

"Well I never made any rule against giant metal robots, so I don't see why she can't use it" he said back to her.

I laughed a bit at Orcal's defeated expression, but I immediately stopped when she looked back at me "Well, I guess I should get boing now" I said as I made my way around them and continued running.

Orcal growled "That little bitch is gonna get what she deserves.."

Mr. Warrence chuckled and continued walking, taking her into the lounge so he could watch the fights up close.

-Meanwhile in the arena-

This match up was between Shiela and an elephant named Sasha Bliss. Shiela hopped onto her tail and kicked Sasha with both legs, sending her flying through several buildings before she halted herself. Sasha charged and hooked Shiela with her tusks before tossing her through another building. She charged again and jumped, slamming down on Shiela so hard it created a crater in the arena, sending dust into the air.

The audience held their breath as they waited for the dust to clear, and when it did it was an uproar of applause as they saw Shiela had managed to hold up Sasha with her own two legs.

With a heavy grunt she pushed Sasha off of her and then got up, nearly falling over from the shock of the impact, but she stood her ground. She then jumped up high and crashed down onto Sasha's gut, causing her to lose her breath.

Sasha smacked the ground, signaling that she was forfeiting the match. Shiela helped her catch her breath before hoisting her up to her feet. They shook hands and gave each other a big hug before reverting back to their normal sizes.

Mr. Warrence smiled "That was quite an exhilarating match. Watching two titans duking it out in an epic, all out brawl. I never would have imagined that the Giantess Fights would have expanded into such an amazing display of power and strength!"

Orcal just rolled her eyes "Whatever. But look at the bracket, Jackie's gonna have to fight Shiela in the next round, let's see if she has the guts to hurt her own friend."

"We shall see" he said as he got up to leave.

Orcal left as well, going back to the gym to keep working out "I will beat Red Danger, I will crush it into bits, I will make Jackie pay for stealing my spotlight!"

-Meanwhile, under the Metroplexus Stadium-

Nocturno walked through a long corridor until he was met with a door. He used his card to open the door and then walk through into a giant laboratory. He received a call on his phone from "Boss", so he answered "Good afternoon sir, I assume you were watching the fights?" He asked.

The deep voice on the other side responded "Yes, Red Danger is doing quite well, but you must make it so that Orcal gets to fight it, otherwise my plan won't work as intended"

"Relax, I have this tournament wrapped around my fingertips. As for Orcal, she's more than prepared to take down Red Danger. Everything is set" Nocturno responded.

"How's production on the serums?"

"Couldn't be better" he responded, pulling out a drawer that revealed hundreds of vials of the amped up growth drug.

Both Nocturno and his boss got into a big laughing fit, knowing full well that they were in control of the fate of Orcal and Red Danger.

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