Life in the City

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It was only 6:00 in the morning but I was already up and ready for the day. I put on my usual working outfit, which consisted of an old tank top and a pair of jean shorts, and got busy fixing some engines. Luckily each engine was just an easy fix, either a few busted wires or a missing part, so I got through each one pretty quickly and got these cars back and running. I didn't charge much, I had no reason to, so despite my productivity I just barely made over $200 dollars. I guess it's good people's cars break down all the time, otherwise I'd lose my home.

At around 9:30 I made my way to my favorite cafe and got my usual order. As I sat down to eat I checked the news and saw my face and Red Danger plastered all over every single network. At this point I'm honestly disturbed by the fact that no one has figure out that I'm Jackie, but I guess that's good since I want to keep this a secret.

So after my meal I went off for a nice stroll around the city. It's at this point that I should probably mention a common thing around this city, big women. As you faithful readers already know, a side effect of the growth drug is that women's bodies grow bigger even after the Giantess effects of it have dwindled out.

However, a lot of women have participated in these fights, and I mean a lot. All it takes is one good look to find at least ten massive women walking down the street. At this point everyone's used to it, but it's still such a sight to see some seven foot tall mouse or bird or gecko walk out of a store in a mini skirt.

Because of this phenomenon that's localized entirely within our city, everything has to be supersized for them. Sidewalks are double the length of regular sidewalks, cars are custom made for their size, stores have massive front doors, stairs, and escalators specifically for them, elevators are made to hold even more weight, and clothing is made in sizes that are only mentioned in cartoons.

The worse, or best depending on how you look at it, part of all of this is amusement parks and water parks. At amusement parks they all get special rides made just for them, and same thing at water parks. It's especially scary when you see a giant woman going mach 5 down a giant slide, when they come down it's like a tidal wave. But the best part is watching them frantically help anyone who might've lost a baby.

It's all honestly such a sight to behold, these females with huge muscles, tits, asses, etc., all walking among us like goddesses, it's like some DeviantArt artist's dream.

I soon end up at a park, so I sat down and took in the fresh air. Little kids ran around tagging each other, a young possum playing guitar for change, and the aforementioned giant women chatting it up. I put my hands behind my head and leaned back, relaxing. I haven't really taken time to just enjoy a day like this. Between fixing engines, hanging out with the girls, shopping, and fighting in the tournament, I haven't had a lot of time to myself to just enjoy...myself.

I just sat on the bench and enjoyed the sounds of the city, slowly falling back asleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep for, but when I woke up I saw Holly sitting next to me. I flinched and panicked, I had no makeup on and I wasn't wearing any of my girl clothes, so I had no idea if she figured out my secret or just sat next to me without a second thought.

She looked up from her tablet and stared at me "My apologies sir, are you okay?"

I assumed she hadn't put two and two together yet, so I responded in my guy voice "Its fine, sorry for flinching, I didn't expect you there."

"No need to apologize. I just came here because it's my day off, and I miss coming here. It was my favorite spot to play as a kid" she said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I guess we both haven't had much time on our hands to really relax and enjoy ourselves" I said, trying to sympathize with her.

She nodded and sighed again, looking back at her tablet "I just wish Orcal would just lose or retire, so that way we can both go back to a normal life again."

I looked down a bit "Well..maybe she will. After all, Red Danger might just have the power to finally take her down" I said, hopefully I didn't blow my cover.

She chuckled "I'm secretly rooting for Red Danger to finally dethrone Orcal, she's been a major pain in my backside for far too long."

"I'm sure Jackie will pull through for you" I told her.

And just as I feared "Yea, I'm sure you will" she said. How the hell do these women keep figuring this out? Am I really that bad at acting?

She shook my hand before she got up and left. Well, now I've got another person to fight for, which means even more is on the line for me to beat Orcal in the finals. I just hope I have what it takes to beat my final few opponents before I get there, especially since my next match is up against Shiela...

Why didn't I just stay home?

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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