A Day in the Life of Orcal

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Ever since she's become the champion, Orcal's life has gotten relatively routine. Beforehand she was only five feet tall, with a rather small set of assets, but her near constant exposure to the growth drug has drastically changed her, making her buff, gain curves to her body, and made her fur and hair more shaggy. Aside from physical changes she's also become more spoiled and aggressive, often lashing out at servants and maids when she doesn't get what she wants.

Now then, each day for Orcal is a bit different, but it usually involves her doing a lot of different tasks.

Just like any other cat she enjoys to sleep in until around 0900, at which point she'll update her social media before she takes her bath. Over the years of growing she's had to have multiple things custom made for her size, her marble bathtub being one of them. Not only did it have to be long enough to accommodate her height, but it's depth and width had to be large as well to fit her massive body, and even then she can just barely fit her breasts into the tub.

After soaking for about an hour she's dried off by maids, so then she goes to dress herself. Just like her tub, practically all of her clothes are made specifically for her, from bras to leggings each one can practically cover a mattress. Today she puts on her favorite combination of clothing, her pink tube top and navy blue shorts. She had on a sports bra underneath her top as well. When she was finished she viewed herself in the mirror, her clothes clung to her so tightly that it's a surprise it doesn't rip just from her breathing.

She's escorted out of her room to the dining room where chef's have already provided her a quality breakfast. Because of her size she needs to ingest a lot of protein, so most of her meals include her favorite food, fish! More specifically, red snappers.

Holly, her manager, was at the table waiting for Orcal. Holly had on a grey suit and skirt today. Her shirt underneath was so tight on her that she couldn't button the top button, leaving just a tiny amount of her bust to be seen.

Holly tapped on her tablet as Orcal ate, listing off their schedule for today "Once you're done you have weightlifting until 12:30, then we will get lunch before your interview today, followed by a photoshoot for Giantess Weekly, and then ending off with getting a dress tailored for you for the gala next week."

Orcal groaned as she slumped back in her chair "Do I have to attend this stupid gala? It's just some dumb celebration for a dead guy" she whined.

"This "dead guy" just so happens to be Frederick Dynasty, the man who made it possible for you to eventually become the Giantess Fight champion, so it would be nice if you learned some respect" Holly said matter-of-factly.

Orcal rolled her eyes as she finished her breakfast "Whatever, let's just get this day over with" she said.

Holly returned the eye roll "Yes your majesty" she said.

Orcal arrived at the gym to meet her instructor, a middle aged male tiger who was buff like her, but still much smaller. He coached her through squats, curls, bench presses, and more, maxing out her weights to over 1500 pounds on each side. By the end of the exercises Orcal was drenched in sweat from head to toe, every muscle in her body was exhausted.

After yet another bath and a change of clothes to a white tank top, which may as well have been a crop top, and a pair of jeans, which took over ten minutes and five maids to fit over her legs and rear, Orcal and Holly went out to get a nice meal. On their way to the restaurant Orcal passed by a toy store. Inside was merchandise of her, as expected, but now their were action figures of Red Danger, t-shirts, costumes, posters, and even playsets that included herself and Red Danger as figures. She cursed under her breath as she hissed, oh how she hated seeing that red hunk of metal taking up the spotlight with her. This only fueled her rage towards the mech, but she knew she had to be patient like Nocturno said.

After an expensive meal, Orcal knocked out the rest of what she had to do, putting on a fake smile during her interview, having to endure multiple outfit changes at her photoshoot, and forcing herself into getting measurements for a dress and picking out what kind of dress she wanted.

When they got back home to her apartment she immediately faceplanted onto her couch, or as best as she could since her humongous breasts blocked the way.

Orcal spent the rest of her day lounging around on her couch, watching cartoons and playing with yarn. At this point anyone who doesn't know her would see this as kind of adorable, but Holly found it really childish of her to spend her free time sitting around acting like a child, as if she doesn't act like a rotten child already.

While Holly was typing she felt something large and soft poke her from behind, she hoped that it wasn't a boob on her back. She looked over her shoulder and saw Orcal sitting behind her, poking her with her large tail.

Holly raised a brow "What are you doing Orcal?"

Orcal put her head on Holly's lap "I'm bored, play with me!"

Holly sighed "Not now Orcal, I have a lot of emails to respond to"

"Aw come on, just for a few minutes?" She asked as she began to purr and paw at Holly's face and chest.

Holly couldn't help but giggle, the purring and her paws tickled her. She sighed and turned off her tablet, then got up and grabbed a cat toy for Orcal.

For the next thirty minutes Holly and Orcal went all around playing with each other, laughing the whole time. By the end Holly was laying on top of Orcal's belly, her face squished between her truck-sized tatas, and petting Orcal's head with a warm smile on her face.

Orcal was purring and wagging her tail, slowly falling asleep "Thanks Holly, you're a good friend" she said before finally dozing off into slumber.

Holly got up, a slight blush spread across her face. Orcal was a pest most of the time, but she still has that same innocent girl from six years ago inside of her, which made Holly happy.

After a group of maids took Orcal to bed and tucked her in, Holly got back to work, these emails weren't gonna read themselves.

And that was a day in the life of Orcal, we hope this was enlightening.

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