Mr. Warrence

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After a long day of watching battles the first round of the tournament was over. Including me that left 64 opponents left to duke it out. After visiting Monoka and congratulating her on a nice battle, I went to find Evelyn.

I found her starting to walk out with the others, so I ran to catch up to her "Heya!! Congrats on making it to the second round! You were totally awesome!"

She smiled "Thanks! Your battle was pretty good too" she said, but deep down I knew my battle was pretty awful compared to hers.

I looked around "So do we all just go home now or something?" I asked curiously.

She nodded "Yea but we're all coming to the Dynanet building for a party to congratulate us on a good first day of fighting"

"Oh cool! What time should we come?"

"The party starts at 7:30, Mr. Warrence wants all of us there" she said as she got into her black sports car "see you there" she said before driving off.

I smiled and went to get in Red Danger. Katelyn was waiting for me so I hooked myself up and took us back to what was now our base. After settling Red Danger in the storage area I got out and sat down "Phew! That battle was a close one today!" I said as I got myself a can of soda and began drinking.

Katelyn sat next to me "You did fine, but you can't let your guard down. These opponents are only going to get tougher as you go on."

I looked at her and nodded "Don't worry, I'll try my best in every battle!"

She smiled at me "Good. Now then, for the party, you're gonna need a dress."

This made me spit out my soda and gag a bit "A dress?! Can't I just wear a tuxedo or something??" I asked, begging for mercy from having to already wear a skirt.

She shook her head "Nope! You're getting a dress! So it's back to the mall!"

I dropped my head in defeat "Why'd I let you be my manager..."

-Dynanet Headquarters, 1930-

I had arrived right on time by myself, I was still waiting for Katelyn to arrive so we could walk in together. I parked my car by the back entrance and walked out. Katelyn had bought me a black dress with golden linings that clung to my body, she had also given me black lipstick and eyeshadow. Now despite my total embarrassment I gotta say, I do look hot.

Eventually Katelyn pulled up as well and got out. She was basically wearing the inverse of my dress, gold with black lining, and had her own handbag. She walked up to me and grinned "Well aren't you just the prettiest Komodo dragon I've ever seen."

I blushed and rolled my eyes "Let's just get this over with" I said before walking to the entrance. I gave the bouncer my name and we were in. We were taken to the roof where everyone else was.

Now I'll admit it, I've never been to anything more than a middle school dance, so I didn't know what to expect. When I came in I was taken back by how beautiful and extravagant it looked. There was DJ Subwoofer in front of me surrounded by actual subwoofers!! To the left was a bar and to the right were sofas and tables for lounging, along with a food bar. The entire roof was a dance floor, filled with flashing lights.

Looking around I saw Evelyn at the lounge talking to a kangaroo who's hips were way bigger than mine. I walked up to them and sat down "Hey Evelyn!"

Evelyn looked at me and smiled "Hey Jackie! I'm so glad you could make it. I'd like you to meet Shiela" she said, pointing to the kangaroo.

Without hesitation Shiela shook my hand so vigorously I nearly fell out of my seat "Oi there mate! Nice to meet ya!"

I chuckled and rubbed my arm "Heh, nice to meet you too. Also wow, not to be offensive but I honestly thought that whole "Oi mate" thing was just a dirty stereotype made up by media"

Shiela laughed like crazy "Nah mate, only true blue Australians speak like this!" she said proudly.

We all got a good laugh out of that comment. The rest of the night was spent chatting, eating, and awkwardly dancing to the music. It was as if by magic that my embarrassment just faded away. I felt confident and happy, I know I'm living a lie pretending to be a girl, but it's worth it if it means I get to hang out with people as cool as Evelyn and Shiela.

At around 10:00 the music went down as a figure walked onto the stage. This figure was Don Warrence, the new CEO of Dynanet for the past 15 years after the original founder, Frederick Dynasty, passed away from old age. Don was a vampire bat, he had on a pure white suit and held a wine glass full of dark red liquid, no doubt that was blood from some poor sucker. If you really think about it, Mr. Warrence is also a sucker himself. Ironic.

He sipped his blood and grinned "Good evening ladies, I hope you've all enjoyed the festivities I've prepared for you tonight. I just wanted to congratulate and thank you for such amazing fights today. When I first created a Giantess Fights I was uncertain how well it would kick off, but now, in this present day and age, you've all made such a cultural  impact on the world" he raised his glass high "so I raise a toast for all of you, for keeping the spirit of fighting alive in everyone!"

Everyone who had their own glass raised it high and cheered. I was starting to get tired so I got up to find Katelyn, only to find her half drunk at the bar, flirting with the bartender. I went to go get her but Mr. Warrence stopped me "No need to worry, I will make sure your manager gets home safely" he said with a warm smile.

I smiled back "Aw thank you Mr. Warrence, that's very kind of you" I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

"Oh it's my pleasure, especially for someone who is just an excellent fighter. I saw your match today and I must say, you and your Red Danger are a great pair" he said.

I blushed and looked down a little bit "Oh, thank you, but I think it's a bit unfair if I'm using a full metal robot against regular women."

He laughed "Oh you are too humble, I've seen those women handle punches, building swings, drops, and much more, what you do is what they have to go through every time they go into battle. Besides, if it were breaking any rules I would've stopped you the second you came in."

That last comment peaked my curiosity "I do have a question though. Why is it that you don't have any rules for the fights? Seems a bit reckless don't you think?"

He leaned back against a bar stool "Rules restrict what you can and can't do, and that's not how I want my battles to go. I want the people to enjoy all out no-holds brawls like they've never seen before. Thats the whole point of Dynanet, to give people things that they've never seen before."

"I guess that makes sense. Well anyways, I'm gonna head home, but thank you for this opportunity Mr. Warrence, I'm truly honored to be here" I said politely.

He smiled at me "Have a safe journey home Jackie, and thank you for joining Giantess Fight, you are truly inspiring."

My blush reddened more as I left. I said goodbye to Shiela and Evelyn before getting in my truck and driving home. I parked in my workshop and wiped off the makeup, then I changed into more comfortable clothes and snuggling myself into bed, falling asleep instantly.

Back at the headquarters Mr. Warrence had gotten Katelyn a ride home. Afterwards he went to his office in the floor below and sat down. He turned to look out the window at Metroplexus Stadium and grinned "Red peculiar.." he said quietly as he sipped his blood.

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