Origin Story

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I had come back home early so I can start repairs on Red Danger, it was heavily damaged during the battle so I had a lot to do. I immediately got to work on the hydraulic systems and wiring units, then I buffed out scratches and dents before going back inside for more repairs.

It was about three hours later when the others came in. I looked down at them and waved "Hey guys! How'd the matches go?"

"Terrific! Evelyn and Shiela made it to the next round!" Katelyn responded.

"Oi, I hope you're ready to fight me tomorrow" Shiela said as she and the others made their way to the platform I was on.

I nodded "Not only am I ready, but I'm totally pumped for our match!"

Evelyn sat on the bench and smiled, looking at Red Danger. Then, curiosity must've caught this cat because she looked at me and asked "Hey Jordan, how did you make Red Danger?"

I looked back at her "Well I didn't make it, my parents did, its kind of a long story".

The others sat down "Story time!" The all shouted at the same time.

I chuckled and also took a seat "Alrighty then, it started over twenty years ago, my parents used to work for Dynanet as their lead engineers in creating new products. One project they always wanted to do was to create a massive, functioning mechanical replica of one of their robot toys. So they assembled a team of engineers and mechanics to get to work on Red Danger".

Katelyn chimed in "Were your parents already married?"

I nodded "Yea, at that time they were already one month into being married. It wouldn't be until two years later that I was born".

"What were their names?" Evelyn asked.

"Samuel and Barbara" I said. I then continued my story about Red Danger.

-Meanwhile, 20 years ago-

At the construction site of Red Danger, both Samuel and Barbara were busy at work going over the blueprints of their project. Samuel wrapped an arm around his wife and smiled "Just think about it honey, of all the things we've designed and built, this is gonna be our greatest creation yet."

His wife smiled and leaned against his shoulder "Yea. But maybe soon we can have another great creation. Perhaps...a child of our very own?" She asked gingerly.

He smiled at her and kissed her cheek "Whenever you're ready Barbara, we'll have ourselves a baby."

Just then, Frederick Dynasty, a large boar with large tusks, walked up to them. He spoke in a gruff sounding voice "Ah, I see you two would rather cuddle than get to work on your big project" he said in a joking tone.

Samuel looked at him and chuckled "Good afternoon Mr. Dynasty, the Red Danger project is going swimmingly well. I estimate that by the end of this month she'll be ready" he said.

Frederick smiled "Excellent, I can't wait to see your vision come into fruition. Although, what will you use Red Danger for exactly?"

Barbara responded "I was envisioning that we could use it for rescue operations, assistance in construction, and many more" she listed off.

"But Mr. Dynasty had different plans" I said, looking down "he was planning on using Red Danger as a weapon of mass destruction..."

They all gave me concerned looks "What happened next..?" Katelyn asked.

"Well, after they found out his plans, they immediately took away Red Danger and hid it in this secret bunker. In the years of hiding from Mr. Dynasty I was born, they got a house, and they stayed hidden until his death. Once the search squadrons stopped looking for them they finally came out of hiding. And now they're out exploring the world" I explained.

"How'd you discover Red Danger?" Evelyn asked.

"I found an E-Map that they left behind, and I found out how to operate it. The rest is history at this point" I said.

Katelyn clenched her fists "I kinda feel bad for them...their vision went down the drain, all because of some greedy corporate douchebag..."

"Oi, what if Mr. Warrence is trying to do the same thing? Think about it, he allowed Red Danger to fight, he created the Giantess Fights, and I saw him talking to Jordan. I think this is a trap" Shiela said.

I looked down "So that means, I have to forfeit the tournament..?"

"But if you forfeit, then that means Orcal gets the last laugh..." Katelyn said as her expression dropped even worse.

Evelyn shook her head "We can't just jump to conclusions, we don't have enough info on Mr. Warrence or Mr. Dynasty to really say anything. For now I think we should just focus on helping Jordan repair Red Danger."

We all nodded and got to work. While I was working I was also deep in thought about what might happen if I keep fighting. I wanted to get back at Orcal for what she did to myself and Katelyn. But if I give up, Katelyn will never get her revenge on Orcal like I promised. Right now I'm caught between a rock and a hard place, and I wonder if I should have never joined the fights in the first place.

Oh what the hell am I saying? I can't say that kind of stuff, I just gotta focus on what's happening right now and make sure I don't forget the reason I joined in the first place, to have fun. I cleared my mind and got back to work.

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