What has happened to my life? Part 4

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Chapter 4 We Get a New Roomate

"Brumby!!! Keep your face out of there!!!"

I was sitting on the computer chair and on Facebooki while Kristina was sitting on the heater. Right after I screamed at him Brumby started chasing his tail. He then jumped up on the foot rest and put his paws on the keyboard and typed in a bunch of gibberish.

"Down Brumby."

I laughed as Kristina made an attempt to get Brumby to get down. He jumped down and walked away.

"I can't believe we're moving to California!!"


"Ugh and Joey won't be able to go!!"

"Yeah that's horrible!!" I said it sarcastically and Kristina didn't get it.

"I know!!! After we finish home schooling do you want to go to his house with me?"

"I don't really want to go."

"Come on!!! Pleaseeeee!!"

"Fine. We should better get started then."

We finally finished and were walking down the sidewalk to Joey's house. Kristina knocked on the door rapidly until he opened it.

"Wow Kristina! Obsessed much?"

"Sorry just want to my boyfriend!!"

"Hey guys! What's up?"

"Well nothing really, but can we come in?"

"Yeah come on in."

Kristina and Joey sat on the loveseat and I sat by myself on the couch. Right when we sat down Joey's mom walked in.

"Joey can I talk to you?"

"Um sure?"

His mom led him in to the kitchen. I could hear them arguing. His mom must've said something because he stopped yelling. He walked out of the kitchen with a sad and angry face.

"Hey guys i'm going to have to move England with my mom and dad."

"Why don't you stay with us?"

I gave Kristina an are-you-crazy look, but she just ignored it.

"Yeah! That would be cool with my parents!!"

"Great!! We just have to give Nathan and mom a call."


Joey's spirit got a huge boost!! He and Kristina both looked at me probably expecting me to call them.

"Um maybe one of you guys should call them."

They didn't know about the situation.

"Ok then."

After a few phone calls everything got worked out.

"I'll help you pack!"

"I'm just going to head back to the house!!"

I left them alone in his house and made my way back.

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