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Dee pov


"But you need it!"said jermaine

"I am not going to blind school."I slammed my fist on table.

"Its not blind school.its visually impaired school."

"I don't care!why can't ms katie keep teaching me?"I stood up from my seat.

"Because she is going moved in with her grandson in Ohio."I sighed.

"Can I just go regular school?"



"Because you not ready."

"Yes.I am!"

"No.you not."

"Yes.I am!I been blind since I was 6!I think I am ready."

"Dee,you can't read anything beside braille and you can only type on braille keyword.sorry to break to you but you not normal!"

"For you information I can write by hand!"

"Its not legible!"

"And how you going learn?teachers makes notes on the board!"he said.

"Okay!I get it!I can never be normal!but Can you blame me for trying?!"I went to my room.i sat on my soft carpet.I wish I wasn't blind.

"Dee."said deetra
"Go away!"
"But your brother is right.you are blind bat"
"Shut up!"
"You just a burden to him."
"Go away!"
"You can't even go public place without a guide."
"Yes I can!"
"walking to the park don't count."
"Go away!"
"You can't cook,can't clean,can't dress properly."
"Yes I can."
"Honey please.you just a burden.you just die."
"Yeah.so that jermaine would be happy."
"He will be happy?"
"Are you sure?"

i went to my bathroom.I open the drawer.I felt around for my razor.where is it!?!i sighed.jermaine probably hid it since what happened last time.I need something sharp.then I went to my desk.I grabbed the plastic cup.I crush on my hand.I took one of pieces.I place it close to my ankle.I learned my lesson not to put it on my wrist.I am burden.I cut myself.

"And you are useless!"said deetra.

"Dee!put it down!"said jermaine.I hear him walked up to me.he snatched the object out my hand.

"Dee,are you hearing the voice again."he said.

"I have a name!"said deetra
"nobody cares!"
"Okay.You ain't sleeping tonight"

"Did you take your medicine,today?"he asked.no!I hate pills.

"Yes."He punched my arm.

"Stop lying."

"I hate pills."

"How am I going to send you to regular school with you not in right mind."

"Wait I can go!?!"

"Yeah.I did some research.the school downtown had classes for the blind."

"So its still a school for the blind!what part of I don't want to go blind school didn't you understand?"

"Dee,you didn't hear me right.the school offers blind students classes for their disability but you can take non course classes such as gym or art with regular students."

"When can I go?"

"If I enroll you tonight.hopefully tomorrow morning or Wednesday morning."I smiled.I will finally have a taste of being normal!

"Take your medicine and go eat I make your sandwich."

"I am not hungry."

"I didn't ask.cuz you always say that."

"Cuz I am not hungry."

"Dee,the doctor said-"

"I know what the stupid doctor said."

"He said at least 3 nutritious meals per day.you skip all 3 if I don't tell you."I rolled my eyes.

"Go enroll me in school."he nodded.

"Yes or no?"

"Right.sorry.yeah I am."then he left the room

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