Chapter 4

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'He hides something. - Gibbs said entering the bullpen - Figure out what'. 'Copy that, boss' McGee said. 'Where's Bishop?' Gibbs asked. 'I'm here' she said from the stairs. 'Where have you been?' 'With Sloane' she answered. 'Ok. Dig in Fatimi's life. McGee, go to the NSA, bring Torres with you'. They got in the elevator.

'Special Agent McGee, Special Agent Torres, NCIS. - Tim said showing his ID - We're looking for Jake Malloy'. 'Yes, follow me'. 'Jake, NCIS is here'. 'Oh, hi guys, have you got any news?' 'Yes. - McGee said - Have you ever heard the name Mohamed Fatimi?' 'Yes, he knew the lieutenant. I take the data about him'. 'So, this is the NSA' Torres said looking around. 'Yes, did you expect something else?' Jake asked. 'No, but I've never been here before'. 'Ok, Mohamed Fatimi' Jake said looking at his computer. 'I tried to dig, but I couldn't find anything' McGee said. 'Well, I've got some transcripts from his interrogation at the NSA. And Smith gave us some informations about him. It seems like he hides something. Look.' Jake said. McGee got close to the computer. 'Yes, you're right' he said. Torres got close to the computer too. Smith thought Fatimi had a connection with a cell in the Middle East. It is a motive' Torres stated. 'Yes, it is' McGee said. 'Can you send us these informations?' Torres asked. 'Of course' Jake answered. 'Thanks' Torres said. 'How's Ellie?' Jake shyly asked. 'She's fine' McGee answered as an older brother. 'Ok'. Torres and McGee glanced at each other and then they went away.

Bishop kept working on her computer. 'Gibbs, I've got something'. 'Tell me everything'. 'Jake sent me an email, there are some transcripts and informations about Fatimi.' 'What do they say?' 'That he has some contacts with a terrorist cell'. 'Ok, come with me'. They entered the interrogation room. 'Mohamed, can you talk about the terrorist cell?' 'I'm not a terrorist!' he said. 'Well, the lieutenant thought something different' Bishop stated. 'He was my friend'. 'Really? You should read what he said to NSA' Bishop said. 'NSA?' he asked. 'Yeah, he talked about you. And you talked with the NSA' Gibbs said. 'Yeah, but I'm innocent. And they know it'. 'Did you know you talked with the NSA because of Smith?' Bishop asked. 'Yes, he told me that I could help'. 'So you didn't know to be a person of interest' Bishop said. 'No' he said. Bishop and Gibbs glanced at each other, then they exited the room.

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