Chapter 6

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*the day after*
Torres and Bishop got off the elevator, going towards their own desks. 'Good morning' McGee said. 'Good morning' Torres and Bishop said simultaneously. Bishop started to work at the computer, while Torres was looking at some papers. 'Guys, I backgrounded Fatimi, I don't think is a killer. I mean, he could be involved, but in my opinion, he isn't our guy'. 'So let's prove it, McGee' Gibbs said, entering the bullpen. 'Let me check the files another time' Bishop said. 'Bishop, are you alright?' he asked. Torres glanced at her. 'Yes, why?' 'You seem weird'. 'Uhm' she said. Then she backed to work.
'So, have we got some news?' Vance asked. 'No Director' McGee said. 'Talk for you, McGee. I've got something' she said looking at her computer. 'Tell us, Agent Bishop' Vance said. 'Well, according to the transcripts, the NSA wanted to incriminate him, but he didn't seemed aware of the situation.' 'Like with us' Gibbs stated. 'Exactly'. 'So do you think he isn't involved?' Vance asked. 'No, I think he's involved but he's not the killer. And the key is in the informations the Lieutenant gave to the NSA'. 'Ok, I'll talk with Malloy' he said. Ellie lowered her head. 'Is there any problem, Agent Bishop?' he asked. 'No. So are we cooperating?' 'Yes, we are'. 'It's just, pay attention'. 'I'll do' he said.

Meanwhile Sloane was talking with the wife of the victim. 'Mrs. Smith, what do you know about your husband's work?' 'Not much, but he was a good man. He loved his work.' 'Is there someone who wanted to hurt him?' Sloane asked. 'I don't think so.' 'Had he ever mentioned Mohamed Fatimi?' 'Yes, a few times. They worked together'. 'Together?' 'Yes, they met several times. And there was another man.' 'Who?' Jack asked. 'I don't remember the name'. 'Have you ever see this guy?' 'No, I'm sorry' she said, starting to cry. 'It's ok' Jack said, holding her hand. 'I would help' 'You did, and if you remember the name, please, call me' she said, putting her card on the table. 'Ok'.

'Torres' Bishop whispered from her desk, while McGee was working at the computer. Torres looked at her, and she made him understand she wanted to talk. They stood up, going in the break room. 'Nick'. 'Yes?' 'About last night, don't tell the others what happened.' 'Ok. Are you alright?' 'Yes. Gibbs noticed something'. 'Yes, he did. - Torres stated - Hey, don't worry. We will close the case, Jake will disappear from your life'. 'And you'll stay' she said. 'Yes, I will.

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