Chapter 19

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'Is something I did?' she asked, into Leon's office. 'What? No. You aren't in troubles, Agent Bishop' 'Oh' 'Please, have a seat'. She sat, less worried but still confused. 'It wasn't an easy case for you, was it?' 'No, it wasn't' 'But your behavior was excellent' 'Thanks, Director' 'You perfectly managed yourself, maybe I was tough with you, when we started investigating, but I was worried about you. I needed to know if you were capable to work on it' 'I understand, Director' 'Well, sorry if I interrupted you in the squad room'. She chuckled. 'We were... spending our time' 'Yes, I could see. You can go' 'Ok, and thanks'. He nodded.
'Hey, Ellie. Is it alright?' Jack asked, seeing her coming downstairs. 'Yes, he... paid compliments. For how I managed myself during the case' she answered, going towards her desk. 'You thought it was about Torres' Tim stated. 'Yes, McGee' she said, stating something obvious. 'You're worrying too much about this, Ellie' Jack noticed. 'That sight, Jack... I didn't buy Gibbs didn't notice something between Nick and me.' 'Which sight?' Clayton asked. 'At the hospital, he glanced at us with his blue eyes...' she answered, still thinking of it. 'You are making your imagination work. Sloane's right' 'I'm not so sure' Tim replied. 'These orange walls are influencing your brain skills, guys' Clayton said. Jack chuckled. 'Don't make this mistake, Clay. Don't brave his blue eyes' Tim suggested. But nobody answered. He understood. 'He's behind me, isn't he?'. Bishop slowly nodded. An head slap confirmed his theory. 'You need to work, McGee' he stated, going towards his desk. When he settled at it, he quickly glanced at Jack, who was in front of him. 'Boss, we... we were gonna to start a game. Do you wanna join us?'. A sight was enough for an answer. 'Copy that'. 'You tried, Tim' Jack stated. Bishop chuckled, and her eyes went to her iPhone. There was a text.  'Hey'. She immediately smiled, reading Nick's name. So she started texting, totally focused on her phone. After a while she heard her name. 'Uhm, what?' she asked, raising her head up. The fingers were still tapping. 'Ellie. Are you listening to us?' 'Yes, Tim. I got... a message.' 'By who?'. She looked at him, making her eyes wide. 'Oh'. Jack and Clayton shook their head, still surprised by McGee. 'What?' Gibbs asked, looking at all of them. 'Bishop's brothers. - Jack said - They are texting her since tomorrow. So it's weird, you know, that McGee didn't get it was one of them'. 'Ok'.

While the guys were grabbing their stuff to go home, Tim went towards Bishop. 'Hey, Ellie. Sorry for that' 'Oh, don't worry Tim. It's okay' 'Usually it's Delilah who prevents me to do something stupid'. She chuckled. 'Yeah, you're lucky' 'You can say that. Well, I go home. Do you get in the elevator with me?' 'No, I check another pair of emails. Good night' 'Good night, Ellie'.
She was looking at the computer screen, scrolling the page with the mouse. 'Bishop, are you still working?' 'Oh, Gibbs. No, I'm just checking some emails' 'That means we can talk' he stated, grabbing his chair and putting it next to her. 'About what?' she asked. She seemed relaxed. She wasn't aware of what he was talking about. 'About you' 'Ok'. Now she was looking at him. But he didn't say anything. 'I'm listening, Gibbs' 'I'm not the one who has to talk' 'Oh. What should I say?' 'Something new. Something you hadn't talked me about. But it is something I'm aware of'. She got it. 'Gibbs, I...' 'All I wanna know is why you didn't tell me'. She sighed. 'Your... rules' 'So which was the plan? Dating Torres and not saying anything to me?' 'More or less'. He chuckled. 'Bishop, you... you could give me a chance. We could talk  about it'. 'We-we can... still talk about it'. 'Of course we can' he said, holding her hand.

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