"I suppose it's the cliché of when someone says, 'Why climb Mt. Everest?' Because it's there, you know? I mean, there is no great reward without great risk. I think why I'm doing it is that I have this incredible opportunity that I'm so grateful for,
to live my dreams..."- Jared Leto
Cytaty Thirty Seconds To Mars
RastgeleCytaty - Jared'a - Shannon'a - Tomo - Matt'a - Echelon'u - Cytaty z piosenek marsów (większość po polsku, ale mogą się trafić po angielsku) #822 DUCHOWE - 29.01.2018 #653 DUCHOWE - 30.01.2018 #437 DUCHOWE - 01.02.2018 #408 DUCHOWE - 09.02.2018 Od 2...