Episode 8

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(J) is writing this. We are backkk! so yea ✌🏻sorry we posted late we were kind busy. Back to the story
Your POV
I woke up the next morning with max next to me I got up and went to the guard toward with max since we had a shift. I got out started making my way up to the stairs with max right behind me.
"Come on max" I say when I got there I looked down and saw that everyone was awake. I looked at the sun rising and back down at max ( I know this is not a real dog gif but we needed)

 I looked at the sun rising and back down at max  ( I know this is not a real dog gif but we needed)

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" The sunrise is pretty" I say to him as he looks at me

 We were there for already 2 hours when Carl came  and asked me if I wanted to go on a run with him, rick and Michonne

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We were there for already 2 hours when Carl came and asked me if I wanted to go on a run with him, rick and Michonne. I told him sure but that I needed to ask dad first and take max down to the cells. I asked my dad which he said yes but I needed to be careful and stay near the group. I kissed him in the cheek and got in the back of the car with Carl sitting on the window and me in the middle while resting my head on his shoulder. Michonne turned on the car and we off we went. We were on the road and everything was quiet.
"Hey! Slow down, slow down" a fainted voice came from outside. I lifted my head off Carl's shoulder and looked out
"Slow- I'm begging you" said the voice but we just went right by him. After we passed him I put my head down on Carl's shoulder and off we went again after a while we came across some cars Michonne had to go around it and while we went we saw some walkers that were dead and let me tell you it smelled bad. All of the sudden we stopped but the car was still on. Rick looked at Michonne and so did Carl but with Carl it was a glare. Michonne just kept trying to go forward but the tires wouldn't move. All of the sudden walkers started pounding on the car but we just glared at them.
"Cover your ears" rick said looking back at us and so we did when rick pulled down the window s little and shot the walker in the head. After a while rick killed all of them and we were out the car. I was sitting on top of the cars trunk.
"Yeah this"ll work" rick said pulling out a flower thing and walked back to the car
"Tell me when" Michonne said putting her sword back
while I turned to my side and see Carl with his hands out to grab my weight and help me jump down we just smile at each other. While we walked down rick said
"Hey" and looked back at us. I let go of Carl's hand and got inside the car with Michonne. I saw rick and Carl go down to the car.  Michonne and I didn't talk but just stayed quiet and looked out the window
"Wouldn't have to do it if she didn't get us stuck" Carl fainted voice said
I looked at Michonne and pulled myself in between the two front seats
"I'm sure he didn't mean it" I said to Michonne just she looked at me and smiled
"Why you let her come" Carl asked " she took you too Woodbury and you said she just split on you and Oscar died-"
" so where is the boys mother?" Michonne Asked
"I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you this but just don't tell them I told you this" I said " she died giving birth to the baby while we got attacked by walkers"
"Who helped her give the child?" She asked
I stayed quiet for a moment until I spooked " I had to cut her And help her give Judith because it was just Carl her and I . She told me that I had to take care of Carl before she died a-a-nd Carl had to shoot her" I started crying Michonne was touching my shoulder when all of the sudden the car door open and Carl started screaming
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER! (Y/n) are you okay?" Carl said gently touching me
" yes i'm okay Michonne didn't do anything I was just telling her about—...." I stayed quiet realizing what I was about to say. "Never mind" I say looking at Michonne and back down at the floor
"About what?" Carl asked but we heard a shout in the distance and we looked back to see the same man. Rick just taps on the car and Michonne starts the car again and goes backward which the car moves with it and both Carl and rick got onto the car and we drive off. After a while we got to a little town that was abounded we got out the car and started walking inside this building. Rick went inside this little cellar room and got mad when he found it empty
"Damn it" he said kicking the wall. Michonne bends down to pick something up and asked
"You got any other police stations in town?"
Rick replied with "I was the police here, me and some other guys ain't a big town" he sighs and looks around
"There's other places to check" he says kind of frustrated " may not as many guns as were in here but-"
"We need as many guns as were in here" Michonne's voice interrupted him
"Ammo,too" I said
"Yeah, we do" rick replied " but right now I only got a line on a couple. There's a few places out on the Main Street- bars, liquor store. Owners had a gun or two behind the counter that people didn't know about. I did I signed the permits. They might still be there. Do you have a problem with that approach?" He asked looking at Michonne
Here we go. I said in my mind
"No rick, I don't have a problem " Michonne said and just walked closer and showed a bullet to rick which he grabbed and Michonne walked away while I walked away with her also. As we were walking we stopped because we saw burned walkers piled up on top of each other. We came around a turn and saw a obstacle kind of thing to trap things
"What is it?" I asked
" I don't know" rick replied
The place was deserted with no people but with traps. We saw a bird trap in a cave
" it looks like someone's already made this theirs" Michonne said
"I don't see anyone though" I said as I hold Carl's hand and he pulls-me to walk
"Doesn't mean they found what were looking for" rick said dodging a rope " couple of the places are just up ahead let's get in and get the hell out of here" we dodge around rope
"There" rick said as we heard a walker behind us. I immediately turn my head and let go of Carl's hand only to be grabbed again by him
" a shotgun and two handguns" rick said. Obviously only I had noticed the walker until Carl turned his head and touched rick which caused him to turn around. Michonne was about to go and kill it until
" wait" I said which caused her to look at me " she will get caught and right when I said that the walker hit a rope and a fire gun went out we all turned our heads to where it came from and saw a man covered up. We  showed up our hands Carl pulling me behind him
" now you drop what you got" the man yelled " and you go, your guns your shoes and that sword. All of it . 10 seconds"
"Run to the car now" rick whispered"
"Dad" Carl finally spoke out
"We need that rifle" Michonne said. The ma counted down
" I think I can get up there" Michonne whisper while the man was at 7 seconds
"Carl (y/n), go" rick said pointing the gun out and started shooting at the man. Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me  towards this car
"Come on" he said pulling me faster putting a arm over me so I wouldn't get hurt. The shooting stopped but started again and now the man was near rick
"I have to do something " Carl said
"Just wait a little longer, rick knows what he is doing" I say as we were now hiding behind this building. Rick just kept hiding behind barrels and the man was now getting near him. All of the sudden I feel Carl hands leave mine
" Carl wai-" I was about to say when Carl came out the hiding spot and shot the man on his side making him fall down . While Michonne also came out and looked at Carl. Rick also looked at Carl
"You okay" rick asked Carl
"Yeah" Carl replied
"I told you two to run for the car. I didn't want you to have to do that" rick said
" I had to" Carl replied. I bend down to pat the clothes he was wearing.
" he is wearing body armor" I say and stay still for a moment until I open his shirt and revel the wound shot
"" he's alive" I say
"Do we care?" Michonne Asked
"Hey don't talk to her like that" rick and Carl said at the same time. I just stay quiet and remove the piece of glasses of his face
" yeah" said rick bending down next to me. We walked around and left Carl with the man and came across this door entrance
" keep an eye out for booby traps" rick said " looks like he's gotten pretty creative so far"
"I thought we were just gonna get in and get the hell out of here" Michonne said
" we shouldn't leave him on the streets" I say
" he saved my life" rick said
"Okay" Michonne replied
We all stayed quiet until rick said "Jesus's he has a son"
" you think he's in there" Michonne asked while rick just glared at her. I look down at The welcome mat down on the floor and noticed that it was out in a right position and a clean side. Wait there is something wrong. Why would a mat be so perfectly put and not dirty
"Wait, Don't" I say stopping rick right before he put his foot on the mat " you said booby traps" and bend down to where rick is and pull up the mat to show a whole with knifes sticking up to the mat
" that's what I thought " I mumbled
" thank you" rick said to me while I just smiled
"Let's just get him inside and go" Michonne said walking back. We walked back to Carl and rick and Michonne grabbed the body and walked inside the doors making sure to not step the any other booby traps. We walked up some stairs when Michonne was about to step she saw a string on the floor and went to step over it. Rick open the curtain and told us to watch out for the traps. We went up to this room
"Showed him that weapon locker last year" rick said
" and it had all of this in it?" I Michonne asked tried
" wow there is a lot" I say looking at the room full of guns
"No, not even half" rick said they walked the man to this thing on the floor and dropped him. Carl and I drop to our knees and start looking for supplies that we can find. And let me tell you it was A LOT. I was shocked how a man can find this much supplies by himself or with his sun like rick had said .
"No" rick said making all of us face him " were gonna wait for him to wake up. Make sure he's okay"
" he tried to kill us" Michonne said
" he told us to go. He didn't who we were" rick answer back
" he tried to kill us and see didn't leave him for the walkers" Michonne said back " he had a good day he doesn't need half of these guns. We do"
" we're waiting for him to wake up and that's it" rick said angrily
"Have you taken a look around this places" Michonne Asked
" you think he is crazy" rick asked
"No.i think he is dangerous " Michonne asked which I agree
"I know him" rick said " and we're gonna wait for him to wake up" rick said grabbing a handcuff and cuffing the to the bed. Carl went to the other side of the room to look at something in the walls. He got closer to the wall and rick went to join him
" what do you see" I asked
" it's our neighborhood " Carl replied " it's gone
" if that why you wanted to come" rick asked " to see the house"Carl didn't say anything
" I just wanted to come" Carl asked. I turn around see Michonne about to eat something which I stick out my hand for her to put me some and we eat it together
"We're eating his food now?" Rick asked
" the mat said welcome" Michonne said
" I am hungry, I haven't eaten since yesterday night" I say looking back at Carl.
"I'm going on a run" Carl said coming next to me
"Where?" Rick and I ask
"I thought maybe the one thing people didn't loot was cribs and there's s baby place around moms friend Sara ran. It's just around the corner"
"Carl " rick said
"It's just around the corner" Carl said again " and there's all the walkers traps"
" you're gonna need some help carrying the box" Michonne spoke
"What" Carl asked
"If your gonna get a crib you have to get the box. It's big and heave. You gonna need help carrying it. You are getting a crib right?"
"Yeah"Carl said
(Analiz's idea to go with Carl and let Michonne stay with rick)
"I will go with him"I say  "you two can stay here while I go with Carl"
"You guys get into trouble you holler,okay?" Rick said
"Okay" Carl said grabbing my hand
We both walked out the store making sure we didn't step into any traps that could get us killed. When we walked outside we saw walkers already trapped.
"I know you didn't want Michonne to come"I said " even though she was going to volunteer to"
Carl didn't say anything but just kept pulling my hand we walked pass the store of the baby stuff
" we just passed the baby place" I say
"I'm getting Judith something else first,okay?" He says walking down pulling on my wrist harder
" ouch Carl" I said " that hurt be careful I for sure don't want to get a broken wrist"
"Sorry"he says gently taking my wrist again
" I just have a lot of my mind right now and I don't know what I should do" he says
" will what's on your mind" I ask
"If we can trust Michonne" Carl said
" I think we can, I mean she might seem I don't know rude? But there might be a reason for it don't you think. I mean we do live in a dead human world. Don't you think she might have lost someone close to her and maybe this is why she acts like this?"
" I guess but something about her" Carl said
" look-" I was about to say but Carl just walked faster and reached this building where he cleaned the window since it was all dirt with dust. He was about to open the door but I stopped him
" we don't know what's in there" I say
" this is important and I am going to do this. I know how I can"Carl says
"Okay" I say " but we may need something to distract the walkers in there is any in there"
"What?" Carl asks at the same time as a rat passes by and I grab it
" we need a cage" I say and Carl grabs one that was at least 10 ft from him. We put the rat inside and open the building door and put the rat inside. Which causes the attention of a lot of walkers. We sneak behind around them making sure they don't see us and walk right past them. Carl is in front of me and goes to try and climb the counter while I take out my knife. Calf reaches up to grab a photo that is hanging on the wall. He was about to put it down when a walker grabbed his leg I quickly put the knife in his head making sure I didn't attract the other walkers which it did but went back to eating. I took out my knife slowly and quietly and we turned around to walk away the same way we enter as we enter the hall we heard a rat squeaking coming its way towards us and some walkers that were chasing the rat
"Oh shoot" I say pulling out my knife and grabbing Carl hand and pulling him back to where we were Running I threw down a thing to block the walkers way while Carl killed a walker that appeared out of a door. Walkers kept coming towards us and I just kept stabbing them with my knife since I didn't want to use my gun yet. We went around the kitchens and towards the front door but Carl dropped the picture making walkers step on it as we got out the door and closed it .
" I got to go back in" Carl says
" Where is it" I asked
"We have to go back. We have to. I have to" Carl said "it's the only one left"

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