Episode 2:

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The next morning, we are ready to start walking again

everyone is doing their own thing.i am sitting next to carl while rick is next to us and carl is feeing Judith water.i look up to where glenn and Maggie were, saw Maggies lips moving before they kiss and hug each other, as they hug Maggie and tara make eye contact

does Maggie even know about tara? that she was with the governor?

Tara just looks away and rick goes to talk to her, i just look down at my lap and look up to carl who was already looking at me, I give him a smile which he returns back

''you know I really thought you died that day'' I say, he just stayed quiet '' thought I was alone in this world until I went back into the prison and lay there crying, that was until I found glenn that I knew somethings may been alright but not completely, considering I thought I had lost you but now your here and I know things will be better than alright ''

''and it will stay that way' he said as he stood up but not before putting a kiss on my forehead. I looked down and smile

''okay you guys lets keep going'' rick says and with that we start walking


after a while of walking we are in the wood when a walker comes towards us, we slowly start walking

''I got it'' michone says and is about to reach for her katana when she realizes its gone, she lets out a small chuckle before hitting the walker with the gun

it night time again and we build a fire, carl and i are sitting near the fire, max is near my feet and judith is sound asleep carl and I talk a little more and I drift asleep while carl is stroking my hair.

The next morning I kept hearing someone calling my name


I open my eyes slowly and see its Daryl

''yes'' I ask

''is it cool if I use max really quick to go hunt for something'' he asks me

''sure that's cool'' I say, I look around and see everyone still asleep ''mind if I still tag along?''

''doesn't matter'' he replies

I get up and follow him, after a while he teaches me some things about hunting, like the tracks and how to know what animal it will be, how to know if a walker is near by, you know just the usual, we start heading back to the group, as we start going towards it, Daryl steps on a stick which makes a noise and we hear guns pointed at us, they all look down in relief and put the guns down

''we surrender'' Daryl says while I just smile

carl comes and hugs me while I hug him back

'' I didn't know where u were when we woke up'


The group starts walking to find new shelter, Rick and Daryl are in front as they talk I'm next to Carl holding his hand while he is holding Judith in his arms we hear rick whistle we all turn and look at him as he reminds us to stay close I lock eyes with him as I nod, my stomach grumbles telling me that I'm hungry
Carl looks at me with a sad face , I give him a reassuring smile

I look at Sasha and bob kissing and smile they seem happy, I start to hear screaming for help rick puts his hand up as to say stop and Carl puts his hand out and puts me behind him to protect me I give Judith to Maggie and get in front of Carl with my pistol

'Dad come on, come on' Carl says as he starts running

'I swear that boy is dumb some times ' I say in my head

We start running to were the noise is and we see a man in a priest uniform on top of a rock with seven  walker on the bottom I shoot one walker and Carl shoots the other  rick , michonne , Carol , Daryl and Maggie all got one walker. Rick yells at he people behind to keep watch

'Come on down' rick says

'You okay' I ask
He looks at me and puts a finger to signal wait I look at him confused , when I see he starts to throw up I look away quickly to not make myself sick
He mutters a 'sorry' ricks starts to ask him the basic questions like if he had a weapon on him, the guy laughs and says ' does it look like I have any weapons'

'We don't give no two shit curly wheat it looks like' said Abraham 

'I have no weapons of any kind the word of god is the only protection I need' said the guy

' sure didn't look like it' said Daryl

'I called for help, help came' the guy said

I look at this guy and wondered hot the heck he survived this far

'Do you have any food' the guy asked

Like if on cue my stomach grumbled, I looked around embarrassed , rick starts the give him the 3 question , to which he answers no to all of it

'You said you had a church' I questioned

He nods
' take us to it then ' Maggie says


We make it to the church and I start to remember the days when I was little in a white dresses coming to church with Maggie and Beth and my dad as pastor

'Can we take a look we just wanna hold on to are squirrels' says rick

We start to look around and I start getting hints of nostalgia as I look around I decided to take a seat on the bench while everyone looked around
Carl comes and sits next to me with Judith in his hand I look at him and gran his hand he look at me

'Carl...' I say

"Yea"he says

"Carl promise me that you will still be with me even though you have options because i don't want you just to be with me because you don't have options at the moment" I say to him

"I had options at the prison" Carl says to me

"yea but you would never date a person that used to live with the governor plus jenaliz was the only one even close to are age and she liked Patrick just promise me " I say to him

" promise" he says I look at him and smile


That's a wrap can't believe I finally updated soo i have started to get back Into this book and i really wanna start updating more again so I am going to start uploading again :)

Word count: 1135

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