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she's haruhi's age

a first year

Class 1-B

grade 10

almost perfect, but not quite

she didn't really care about honey until she heard that he was an alien

school year begins early april

one year before: tamaki in middle school, a third year at ouran; invites people to host club

honey (first year): receives and accepts invitation

jaru was the founder of the astronomy club; dai is his brother (focuses on karate)

honey quit karate for over a year by the time chika confronts him (a week after the joint practice with oyama high, the national champions last year) <-- maybe the reason for their loss was honey's absence? (their best karate person)

he was called the demon captain of the karate club; made captain even when he was only in his first year

strength is the ability to renounce every lie in your heart

to hide your true self to impress others is a form of cowardice

isn't it best to just be who you are and accept it

to be brave enough to show what you truly like and dislike

and have the strength to accept your future with happiness

wouldn't you agree that having the courage and bravery to be honest with yourself is another form of strenght?

yasuchika is fourteen; honey is eighteen or seventeen?

yasu: "be as strict with yourself as you are with others." serious about sports and education

"before you ask for help, put in as much effort on your own as you can. i'm not helping anyone who doesn't do everything he can."

a perfectionst; despises complacency in others. hates sweets. hates his brother. known as harsh and unpleasant; never smiles?

never mention my brother in front of me again!

repulsive beyond belief; freaky

radio receiver device

windswept ridge

the infirmary has a canopy bed

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