Lacelien Hart

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Note: This was a joke OC, so it's gonna be a bit Mary-Sueish.

Name: Lacelien Hart

How do you pronounce that?

Nickname: Lace

Age: 19 (hehehe...)

Ahhh, the classic Mary Sue age...

Birthday: February 14

Hair: Platinum blonde (MWAHAHA)

Yep, Muahahahaha!

 and a messy wavy. Wears it in a ponytail (low, high, as long as it's a ponytail) to get it out if her eyes and to be more hygienic at work.

Eyes: mint green (bwehehahi)


 and she has pink contacts because her eye grades are so high up its way past the clouds


Skin tone: Tan

Family: Lives with her dad (I didn't name him. Too lazy.). Her mom is deceased, and she's an only child.

Species: Human

Fandom: The Selection

Sexuality: Straight

Caste: 4

Work: Business co-owner, along with her dad. It's a restaurant.


Body shape: Not chubby but not slim either, and she's happy about that.


Strengths: Organized, good cook, can walk in high heels and um other normal person stuff

Other normal person stuff.

Weaknesses: Hair flying everywhere, literally physically weak cannot lift a fly ffs, waiting tables is the only task she can't do in the restaurant because she can't carry anything heavier than a shoe I swear

For a girl that's not slim but not chubby?

Crush: The Prince in the rp I'm using her for that I forgot the name of

Crushing on her: None that she knows of

Personality: some days I'm broke, some days I'm rich, some days I'm nice and some days I can be a bitc-Bitcoin! Nope. Not saying it. You get my point.

Nice joke OC! I loved it.

This OC is 49.9% Mary Sue.

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