Ruby Blaze

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Name: Ruby Blaze


Universe: Winx Club

Haven't seen these.

Age: 16


Gender: female

Hair: black hair, typically worn up in two buns with a small piece hanging out over her right eye. When she's in her fairy form, two ponytails come out from under the buns (if that makes any sense. Imagine ponytails and buns worn at the same time)

I know.

Eyes: natural violet, almond shaped

Fact: Violet eyes exist.

Race: Black

We have a black OC, finally. (not being racist)

Ethnicity: The USA

Height: 5'6

Face shape: oval

Body shape: full hourglass



Ruby was raised on the planet Ís, the ice planet.


 She never really belonged there, her powers are the phoenix flame.

She pieces together facts from her classes and information from books, that she was born on the lost phoenix planet, Phoenea.


  She is in her first year at Alfea, with seven friends which she is roommates with.

Why does she have 7 roommates?


Positive: Loyal, outgoing, brave, intelligent, dependable


Negative: Impatient, can be aggressive at times

This was a great character, but I would like to know more about the character's history. (parents, relatives, etc.) Overall, the character was really creative.

Total Mary Sue Percentage: 2.5%

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