Charlie Casmat

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Name: Charlie Casmat


Nickname: ChiChi


Age: 14

We got another young OC around here.

Gender: Male

Species: Neko! :3


Sexuality: Demisexual, but he thinks he's gay

Yeah definitely not going to google that. *googles it*

Overall appearance: He's a short little thing with pale skin and a LOT of freckles.

My OC has freckles.

 He has big icy blue doe eyes and Snow White hair, as well black ears and tail. He's quite thin although not to thin, and he has a scar on his left knee from falling down the steps while half asleep once

I fell downstairs, but that was because I skipped a step, and I fell on my bottom, if you would call that falling down the stairs.

Personality: When you first meet him he's extremely shy, he'll immediately look for a place to hide and usually uses his friends as a human shield.

My brother.

 After he warms up to you he can be extremely hyper and bubbly. He's extremely loving although over sensitive, he has thin skin both literally and not literally.

Crush: Well, he has a boyfriend named Ray...sooo

Crushes on them: Ray. His best friend used to like him but has a boyfriend now


Backstory:When he was born his parents honestly didn't want him, he was a mistake that they wanted to get rid of.

I'd hate to have parents like that.

 Charlie was later kidnapped around the age of 2 and a half and lived with his kidnappers for about a year or two till they kidnapped a teen named Dennis, Dennis convinced the kidnappers to let him keep Charlie if he paid the ransom that his parents didn't. Charlie is currently in high school and his parents adopted another kid named Tyler, Charlie's slightly older brother. He's now in high school with a small group of friends which seems to slowly expand (it makes much more sense in the Rp it was acted out in)


I liked this OC.

The Mary Sue rate for Charlie is 2.5%

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