Draagos Marinemo

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Name: Draagos Marinemo

I love that name so much, so fun to say.

Age: 24

Yay, more adults!

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Fandom: Original (I hope that's okay)

Oh course it's okay!

Appearance: Long, very light blonde hair.

As long as it's not platinum blond with a touch of rainbow colors.

 Light blue eyes. Average height and weight for her figure (short, but not petite).

Like my OC. Except for the blue eyes. Actually, she's just short.

 Freckles are mainly on her arms. Draagos wears her hair braided and it's well-kept. She has a small nose and plump lips with a round face. There are not very many visible marks, but a scar across her left leg, which she tries to hide and forget.

Why though?

 Draagos wears traditional female Marinemo clothing, which consists of dragon adorned, long dresses, usually blue or white.

Personality: Draagos is very political and strategical. She learns from her peers everyday. Draagos tries her best to be a good queen and doesn't let her emotions get the best of her whilst addressing her people. Her warriors have seen her breakdown and cry, which she is embarrassed about because she believes that a good queen is strong. However, Draagos is very impulsive and reckless at times. By impulsive I don't mean randomly pushing someone's bag off a table because she 'has no impulse control'.

Well, that's fantastic! (not sarcasm)

 Draagos makes bad decisions because she's let her emotions get the best of her, or she let her power as queen block her strategical thinking. All but one of her reckless decisions has ended extremely badly, one decision causing the death of her son and her capture. That being said, Draagos would give up he life and her people's lives to save only one of her sons, giving her a slightly selfish trait. Draagos can let her emotions get the best of her, but she is still young and is learning everyday.

I like the very descriptive personality, and that she doesn't only have 1 flaw.

Strengths: High up in hierarchy status, does things for good in the long run, can maintain a stable civilisation, good morales.

I'm just going to pretend I know what that means...

Weaknesses: Doesn't do well in physical confrontation, not very brave, impulsive, fear of water (I don't know if this would be a weakness or not).

Any type of fear can be a weakness, so you're fine.

Other: The story she's in is based during WW2. Sorry if this isn't relevant.

Oh, okay.

Like the last OC, I would like to know more about her relatives and family members, but this OC was an amazing OC, and I really enjoyed it.

Total Mary Sue Percentage: 1.7%

Note: As you can see, I am giving lower percentages, because 1, these OCs are AMAZING! 2, I'm not only giving out low scores because I'm being gracious, it's because these OCs are great. I also take joke OCs, so please be as creative as you can!

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