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"I'm very disappointed in you Molly, you're one of my best workers and you lied to Me?" Sarah started. I feel myself sink below her. "I literally have no choice but to ask you to leave?"

Not like I was expecting it but I didn't want to leave. "Please Sarah, I really need this job" I plead and she didn't look at me.

"Molly I can't keep you, you need to collect your stuff now and then just leave, you'll get paid until the end of the month" she mutters still avoiding eye contact with me.

I slowly stand up making my way to my locker. I unlocked it using the keys attached to my car keys.

Nothings really in my locker, just some perfume and some spare change. I drop it in my pocket and walk to the door. Sarah's no where in sight.

I sigh walking out the shop. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I pulled my phone out to see a text from Harry.

Wishing you luck, let me know x

I sigh. I actually lost my job because of a guy? Hats crazy. I wouldn't lose my job for just any guy though, it's Harry Styles so anyone should forgive me for calling in sick.

I put my phone in my pocket as the cold wind brushes against my cheeks. The sky's darker now making me check my watch.


Harry's probably back at the arena now, all ready for his show dressed in a really nice suit. I realise I'm smiling at the thought of him.

It's crazy how someone can take over your mind so much. It's genuinely crazy.

I decide not to message Harry back just yet, I don't want him to get sick of me or anything and he's probably being rushed around now.

I walk back to my car jumping in as my phone Rings. I'm sure my phone has never had this much action since Harry Styles came into my life.

"Hello?" I hold the phone between my ear and my shoulder as I start to adjust to the seating of the car.

"How did it go?" Harry's voice echoes through the phone. "Please tell me it went okay?" Even from here you can tell he seems a little bit worried.

Why would he be though? I'm the one who has to deal with being homeless, he's probably gained a few more fans from all of these photos.

"I got fired" I mutter turning the engine on blasting the heater in my face to attempt to warm the freezing car up.

The other line falls silent for a moment. "I am so sorry" he sighs.

"It's fine. I'll just have to find another job" I smile weakly. I'm trying to look at the positive of losing my job, but it's quite hard considering I've just been fired face to face. I'd rather have it on text.

"Well as you lost your job, I've been thinking, if you think it's too soon you're welcome to say so" he stops as I hum down the phone.

He doesn't say anything for a second making me cough to clear my throat.

"There's a job going working with me? It's just like a runner girl in your case. Well it's basically a runner girl for me so you can do stuff for me. You'll get paid for it, come on tour for a bit, have any days off you want? I'll fly you home if you want too, you get your own hotel room everywhere we go, we're going a lot of places so there's some sightseeing as well..." he drags off and I freeze.

Maybe it is too soon? I met him yesterday and he's asking if I can go on tour with him? I know it's strictly professional so I wouldn't be able to mess around with him or anything.

But I'd get paid to hang around with someone I love to hang around with?

When I don't answer Harry speaks up.

"So it's not really work, you're getting paid to just keep me entertained and who better to do it then someone I love spending time with" I can tell he's smiling on the end of the phone making me chuckle.

"Strictly professional though, so no trying to get me in any closets or anything" he jokes making me laugh.

"You wish" I chuckled and I hear a gasp.

"Very rude," he says in a high voice. I close my eyes and roll my head back. A woman shouts at Harry from down the phone but in the distance making me furrow my eyebrows.

The cars warmed up now and it's getting darker by the second.

"Do you mind if I get back to you on that one?" I ask timidly. I don't want to sound rude or anything but it's not a quick decision to make. I need to think about it and weigh up what to do.

"Of course, I'm not pressuring you into anything. Make your own decision love, anyway, I'm going to go because Lous shouting at me from across the room" he whisper and I nod.

Then realising he can't see me, "No worries, have a great show! You'll do amazing!" I assure him not that he needs it of course.

"Thank you, I will try and raise the roof as they say" he laughs and I giggle.

"You're actually so not funny that it makes it funny, if that makes sense" I chuckle and he hums.

"That doesn't make much sense therefore we'll just leave it at you saying that you think I'm funny" I can tell he's smirking on the end of the phone.

I roll my eyes playfully.

"Bye Harry" I mock and hang up before he can say anything.

I drive home and walk into the lounge where my Mums sat watching the television. I flop myself down next to her and her hand rests on my knee.

The rooms dark, with one lamp letting the smallest bit of light out possible. She's watching the news.

I grab the blanket from behind me throwing it over both of us.

"Where did you go?" My Mum asked.

I can't tell her that I got fired. How bad does that sound. She raised me to be more sensible than call in sick to work.

My mum always expected me to be a responsible person. That's not a bad thing, she's always looked out for me ever since I was younger.

To her though, Harry Styles is still just a guy that I skipped work for. Therefore, she wouldn't accept or take it lightly that I lost my job for him.

"I just had to grab some some stuff from the shop" I lie and she nods looking back at the screen.

"Where Ella?" I ask curiously. I can't deal with Ella screaming in my face anymore tonight.

"She's up in her room with Emma," I nod and cuddle down into the sofa.

"Mum, can I ask you something?" I stutter. She turns her attention fully to me and I swallow.

"Harry's offered me a job, to travel around with him on his tour. He said he can fly me back if I miss home and I get paid a decent amount too, I was wondering if I could go?" I asking her like I need her permission. I'm 21 years old and I still ask for her approval.

"Is that a good idea? Because if you two are getting together," that made me cringe when she said that. "It's probably not good to do it in a work environment"

I sigh, I knew she was right but I would be so professional about it. And I expect him to be the same.

I think Harry is respectful enough to other people to be professional at work. And it's his job and he knows that.

I glance over at my mums face to see if I can guess her genuine response. I smile innocently at her making her lips tug a small smile.

Her serious face breaks and she reaches over and hugs me. "I give in, just go with I'm for heavens sake" I smile widely and hug her back.

"Thank you!!" I shout, she winces and reaches to her ear.

"You're going to be the death of me young lady" she chuckles and I smile cheekily before jumping up to go and phone Harry.

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